Edmondson, A.C. and Harvey, J.-F. (2017), "References", Extreme Teaming, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-192.
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- Prelims
- Part I Trends Giving Rise to Extreme Teaming
- 1 Why Extreme Teaming Matters
- 2 Leading Teams and Teaming
- 3 The Challenges of Extreme Teaming
- Part II Four Leadership Functions for Extreme Teaming
- 4 Build an Engaging Vision
- 5 Cultivate Psychological Safety
- 6 Develop Shared Mental Models
- 7 Empower Agile Execution
- Part III Looking Back and Moving Forward
- 8 A Model of Leadership for Extreme Teaming
- 9 Directions for Future Research and Practice
- References
- Index