Strategic knowledge transfer and its implications for competitive advantage: an integrative conceptual framework
The purpose of this article is to analyze the implications for competitive advantage deriving from strategic knowledge and knowledge transfer process.
One major issue in a knowledge‐based (KBV) view consists of delimiting the source of competitive advantage, that is, knowledge versus knowledge management processes (acquisition, transfer, generation). Based on the KBV and knowledge management literature, the current paper considers the importance of both elements. Specifically, the paper focuses on strategic knowledge and knowledge transfer process.
The contributions of this paper are the proposal of strategic knowledge characteristics and the suggestion of a theoretical framework to study the internal transfer of strategic knowledge. The main conclusion is that the characteristics of knowledge that generate competitive advantage also create barriers for internal transfer. The research question addressed here is what firms must do to transfer strategic knowledge within the firm while limiting involuntary transfer.
In order to answer this question, this paper suggests a theoretical framework that focuses not only on the implications of knowledge of a strategic asset, but rather takes a much broader perspective, considering the transfer process as a whole and highlighting the role of the different elements of this process (source, receiver and context) in order to facilitate the efficient transfer of strategic knowledge.
Carlos Bou‐Llusar, J. and Segarra‐Ciprés, M. (2006), "Strategic knowledge transfer and its implications for competitive advantage: an integrative conceptual framework", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 10 No. 4, pp. 100-112.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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