Person‐Centred Approaches and Quality of Life
This mainly conceptual paper summarises the current conceptualisation of personalisation as it applies to people with learning disabilities. It goes on to map out how the drive towards the personalisation of services, its most recent iterations of person‐centred planning, person‐centred funding and person‐centred action, contributes to a better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities, using the domains and indicators of quality of life set out in the Schalock et al (2002) international consensus. In doing so it describes what you would see in services where person‐centred approaches were being successfully implemented.
Beadle‐Brown, J. (2006), "Person‐Centred Approaches and Quality of Life", Tizard Learning Disability Review, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp. 4-12.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited