Security aspects of an enterprise‐wide network architecture
Two main areas of activity can be identified in the field of network security: the local area network and the common point between networks. Presents an overview of two projects concerning the above‐mentioned areas. While the first will concern security architectures based on active firewall components, the second presents a secure intranet solution. The combination of active firewall components with the DMZ concept can translate a security policy into reality and will result in a high level security firewall system. One of the most important security problems in an intranet is to ensure that every user has access only to the information which is relevant for his/her work. In our project this is solved using role‐dependent information access for each user.
Loew, R., Stengel, I., Bleimann, U. and McDonald, A. (1999), "Security aspects of an enterprise‐wide network architecture", Internet Research, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 8-15.
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