The Clinton electronic communications project: An experiment in electronic democracy
Diane Bradley
(Diane Bradley (dbradley has been as social
sciences reference librarian and bibliographer at Auburn University for
five years. She received her M.S.L.S. degree from the University of
Tennessee. Her research interests include government information policy
and the uses of the Internet in the provision of reference service.)
Janet Frederick
(Janet Frederick (jfreder has been a
Government Documents librarian at Auburn University for two years. She
was previously head of Bibliographic Database Management at the
University of New Mexico General Library. She received her M.S.L.S. from
the University of Illinois. Her research interests include the use of
automation in libraries in both technical and references applications)
The Clinton Electronic Communications Project is the successor to the Clinton campaign′s e‐mail program. The object of the work reported here was to determine to which White House material posted to the Internet is more current and comprehensive than information available through more traditional sources.
Bradley, D. and Frederick, J. (1994), "The Clinton electronic communications project: An experiment in electronic democracy", Internet Research, Vol. 4 No. 1, pp. 64-70.
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