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Menzies distribution takes the first steps to becoming a “future proof” organization: Vital roles of individual coaching and 360‐degree feedback

Renee Mackay (CEO at Derigo Consulting, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)

Human Resource Management International Digest

ISSN: 0967-0734

Article publication date: 4 September 2007




This article describes individual coaching and a program of 360‐degree feedback used with Menzies Distribution's senior‐management team, including the managing director and full executive board.


Details how 360‐degree instrument used included behavioral analysis of eight competencies across 18 skill sets. It asked managers to rate themselves on core competencies such as communication, leadership, adaptability, relationships, task management, production, development of others, personal development and problem solving. It then asked their peers, bosses and direct reports to rate them across the same competencies.


Reveals that managers across the business were good at getting the job done, were task focused and could be relied upon to implement, but they were weak in critically analyzing their systems and processes and then redesigning them for the better.

Practical implications

Argues that the business now has a management team that is ready, willing and able to react to and lead change.


Highlights how 360‐degree feedback was a necessary first step to get a clear picture of the talent across the business before any management‐development and coaching work could begin.



Mackay, R. (2007), "Menzies distribution takes the first steps to becoming a “future proof” organization: Vital roles of individual coaching and 360‐degree feedback", Human Resource Management International Digest, Vol. 15 No. 6, pp. 10-12.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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