Nicky and Adam go on holiday: an approach to cancer education
Describes the development of Nicky and Adam Go on Holiday, a teaching pack commissioned by the Southampton and South West Hampshire Health Authority and created while the author was on a one‐day‐a‐week secondment to the advisory team for personal and social education (health). The pack deals with cancer education and is designed to be used with secondary pupils as a term’s module. It focuses, in a covert manner, on skin, breast, cervical and testicular cancer, and the information is presented in the style of a romantic teenage story. Summarizes the research and final materials and explains the aims and rationale of the pack. The pack utilizes a range of active learning techniques based on the fictitious activities and needs of the four young protagonists. It was piloted in two Southampton secondary schools, which reported positive responses from pupils and staff and it is now available on request.
Dalton, D. (1997), "Nicky and Adam go on holiday: an approach to cancer education", Health Education, Vol. 97 No. 3, pp. 96-102.
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