Drug proof: a practical approach to using the Department for Education′s documentation on drugs education
Aims to guide teachers responsible for drugs education through Circular 4/95: Drug Prevention and Schools, which the Department for Education has recently sent to all schools, as well as through two other documents which the Department has made available: Drug Education: Curriculum Guidance for Schools, produced by the Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority, and A Digest of Drug Education Resources for Schools. Poses questions for teachers to answer and suggestions for them to follow so that teachers may formulate a policy, design a programme and decide on methodology and resources appropriate to their individual institutions. Should be read in parallel with the documents, as it makes many references to them.
Brown, T. (1995), "Drug proof: a practical approach to using the Department for Education′s documentation on drugs education", Health Education, Vol. 95 No. 6, pp. 7-11. https://doi.org/10.1108/09654289510099571
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