Mobile group support technologies for any‐time, any‐place team support
Mobile technology research focuses on supporting the individual mobile worker. Computer supported co‐operative work research has primarily focused on supporting distributed, but fixed‐site workers. Bridges both research foci by expanding to include mobile, any‐time, any‐place support. The complementary goal is to investigate better ways to prepare future team members for the new demands in the workplace. The VLab (Virtual laboratory) provides any‐time, any‐place process support for mobile software development teams. Presents a model that focuses on the processes involved in complex systems development and learning, and research propositions to evaluate mobile any‐time, any‐place support. Baseline measurements have been obtained and early results support the value of mobile group support technology.
Nosek, J. and Mandviwalla, M. (1996), "Mobile group support technologies for any‐time, any‐place team support", Information Technology & People, Vol. 9 No. 4, pp. 58-70.
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