Diffusion theory and practice: Disseminating quality management and software process improvement innovations
This article analyzes a European‐wide dissemination project which aimed at spreading quality management and software process improvement approaches among organizations in the IT sector and beyond to organizations which produce software as part of their primary product. The research presented investigates to what extent that mission has been accomplished and what lessons can be learned for similar actions in the future. For the analysis Rogers’ well‐known model of the diffusion of innovations is used. A secondary outcome of the study therefore is an appraisal of the suitability of the model to plan and perform large‐scale diffusion actions.
Kautz, K. and Åby Larsen, E. (2000), "Diffusion theory and practice: Disseminating quality management and software process improvement innovations", Information Technology & People, Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 11-26. https://doi.org/10.1108/09593840010312726
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