An integrated, computer‐assisted process planner for the machining of moulds for expanded polystyrene foam
Styrofoam materials have been used for some time as packaging for consumer goods to protect against damage during transportation and handling. The moulds for the fabrication of these materials have traditionally been made by sand‐casting, a relatively inexpensive process but one which is not always cost‐effective. Machined moulds, however, offer a more viable alternative. Outlines the development of a computer‐automated process planner for the machining of moulds for styrofoam packaging. A feature‐based modelling module analysed and interpreted the geometric features of the CAD model of the styrofoam packing, before transforming them into machining features in the machining model. The proposed methodology is an effective solution in simultaneous engineering for the fabrication of moulds for expanded polystyrene foam packaging materials.
Lye, S., Lee, S. and Yeong, H. (1996), "An integrated, computer‐assisted process planner for the machining of moulds for expanded polystyrene foam", Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 7 No. 4, pp. 53-60.
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