Seamless Service
Describes the process used by the Mater Infirmorum Hospital in Belfast in 1992 to achieve high quality care (seamless service), motivate staff to deliver and measure performance. Aims of the project included focusing the organization on the customer, improving teamwork and motivation. Opinions of staff, patients and GPs were examined and key issues for improvements were identified. Interface from every single interaction between Mater and customers was measured, taking into account customer perception of service, and staff perceptions of service. Data collection methods included taped interviews, video vox pops and questionnaires. Concludes that a mismatch was found between service offered and service required. Workshops launched ongoing activities and a small steering group designed a series of management forums to gain future support.
Grinstead, N. and Timoney, R. (1994), "Seamless Service", Health Manpower Management, Vol. 20 No. 1, pp. 27-29.
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