Female nudity: attitudes towards the ad and the brand, and implications for advertising strategy
Explores gender specific attitudes toward the ad and attitudes toward the brand under varying degrees of female nudity in ad treatment conditions. Shows that while female nudity is extremely common in women′s magazines, men are not only far more positive than women in their attitude toward an ad using explicit female nudity, but also stronger in their positive feelings toward the product and the brand. Finds that women are far more tense than men when exposed to overt female nudity in ads. Discusses implications for advertising strategy.
LaTour, M.S. and Henthorne, T.L. (1993), "Female nudity: attitudes towards the ad and the brand, and implications for advertising strategy", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 25-32. https://doi.org/10.1108/07363769310041956
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