The steward: destroying the myth
This paper examines the accuracy of a widely‐held belief (or myth) that union stewards have particularly negative attitudes toward their employing organization. A large sample of rank and file employees and elected union officials served as participants in the present investigation. Data were collected via questionnaires that measured several relevant company‐related attitudes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment) and union‐related attitudes (loyalty to the union, and responsibility to the union). Results indicated that union officials scored significantly higher than the general membership with respect to the union‐related variables. There were, however, no differences with respect to the company‐related variables. Union officials and the general membership were equally committed to their employing organization and equally satisfied with their jobs. This study provides evidence that the myth about union officials is just that, a myth, and is not empirically grounded.
Thacker, J.W. and Fields, M.W. (2001), "The steward: destroying the myth", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 209-214.
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