Quality customer service demands human contact
Investigates the interrelationships between the factors comprising the bank customer service quality construct through path analysis. Credibility is modelled as an outcome of the causal variables staff conduct, access to teller services and communication. Staff conduct emerges as the key variable explaining the direct and indirect linkages between the causal variables and the outcome variable. Those advocating high‐technology solutions as substitutes for branch staff may be ignoring the essence of high customer service quality which involves staff‐customer contact. It is necessary to provide adequate staff numbers to serve customers and train staff to be responsive and professional in their conduct. Structural equations and OLS regression were used to decompose zero‐order bivariate correlations into direct, indirect and spurious effects in the path model. Internal reliability coefficients for the four factors and instrument reliability are also calculated with gratifying results.
Avkiran, N.K. (1999), "Quality customer service demands human contact", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 2, pp. 61-74. https://doi.org/10.1108/02652329910258862
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