Research note: a study of direct selling perceptions in Australia
Direct selling as a type of non‐store retailing continues to increase internationally and in Australia in its use and popularity. One non‐store retailing method, multilevel marketing or network marketing, has recently incurred a degree of consumer suspicion and negative perceptions. A study was developed to investigate consumer perceptions and concerns in New South Wales and Victoria. Consumers were surveyed to determine their perception of direct selling and its relationship to consumer purchasing decisions. Responses indicate consumers had a negative perception towards network marketing, while holding a low positive view of direct selling. There appears to be no influence of network marketing on consumer purchase decisions.
Kustin, R.A. and Jones, R.A. (1995), "Research note: a study of direct selling perceptions in Australia", International Marketing Review, Vol. 12 No. 6, pp. 60-67.
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