Design and innovation strategies within “successful” high‐tech firms
Reports on an ongoing empirical study into the characteristics and strategies of “successful” technologically oriented UK firms. Using survey data from samples of winners of the Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement and a comparative group of high‐technology firms, the study establishes that few statistical differences exist between the two groups and between specific sizes of firms in each sample in relation to aspects of their design and innovation strategies. The issues raised in this paper include: the way in which technological success is conceptualised; the usefulness of awards such as the Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement as a benchmark for innovative firms; and, the attitudes and activities of sample firms in relation to design and new product development strategies.
Crick, D. and Jones, M. (1999), "Design and innovation strategies within “successful” high‐tech firms", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 161-168.
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