Going beyond the individual: Some potential contributions from a career field and habitus perspective for global career research and practice
New forms of organising and new forms of individuals private and professional life concepts have affected organisations as well as careers. The resulting new forms of careers are characterised by two major elements: organisations are no longer the primary arena for professional careers and the diversity of careers and career paths is sharply increasing. At the level of global careers similar developments can be observed. In addition, two specifics can be mentioned: a number of additional forms of working internationally supplement expatriation in its classic sense and there seems to be an increasing pressure on the speed and diversity of international assignments. There is comparatively little theoretical insight into these developments. Departing from a sociological perspective and using the theoretical framework of late French Sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, this paper takes a career field and habitus perspective of careers. Based on that, it tries to identify areas of contribution for the global career discussion that can emerge from such an approach.
Mayrhofer, W., Iellatchitch, A., Meyer, M., Steyrer, J., Schiffinger, M. and Strunk, G. (2004), "Going beyond the individual: Some potential contributions from a career field and habitus perspective for global career research and practice", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 23 No. 9, pp. 870-884. https://doi.org/10.1108/02621710410558477
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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