Women, equality and construction
Examines the situation faced by women in the UK construction industry. Finds that women are confronted by a significant number of barriers, beginning with difficulties in joining the industry. In addition, the administrative or human resource management roles traditionally occupied by women do not lead to mainstream roles and senior management roles. To increase prospects, women need to able to take on the more mainstream roles in the industry such as design, engineering and construcition iteself. The main investigation of the article is therefore into the barriers preventing women from taking these roles. Conclusions and suggestions for reform are made.
Fielden, S.L., Davidson, M.J., Gale, A. and Davey, C.L. (2001), "Women, equality and construction", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 293-305. https://doi.org/10.1108/02621710110388956
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