Collaboration works: integrating information competencies into the psychology curricula
When many upper‐level psychology majors struggle to demonstrate competence using discipline‐specific library research strategies after participating in introductory bibliographic instruction sessions, a new approach to instruction is necessary. To address this issue, psychology and library faculty collaborated on a pilot study to develop, implement, and assess a “super‐size bibliographic instruction” (SSBI). The objectives include identifying and defining a research topic, locating appropriate resources, critically evaluating and synthesizing material, and the reduction of library anxiety. A variety of assessment methods including pretest/posttest surveys and evidence of use of the material illustrated the success of the SSBI. Utilizing the expertise of teaching and library faculty, this SSBI approach addressed the many challenges in assisting students to develop essential research strategies.
Paglia, A. and Donahue, A. (2003), "Collaboration works: integrating information competencies into the psychology curricula", Reference Services Review, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 320-328.
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