EAPs and Their Future in the UK: History Repeating Itself?
The multiple roots of Employee Assistance Programmes belie the commonly held view which sees them simply as the descendant of Occupational Alcohol Programmes. Their origins in performance management processes, however, and particularly the way in which their development has been influenced by the health insurance and managed care movements adds considerably to their significance. Their resilience over 40 years stems as much from this contextual relevance as from their core professional bases. It is this contextual relevance which makes their continuing growth in the UK almost certain. The EAP can thus make an invaluable contribution to organizational change and to education and training, as well as to the health of the workforce.
Reddy, M. (1994), "EAPs and Their Future in the UK: History Repeating Itself?", Personnel Review, Vol. 23 No. 7, pp. 60-78. https://doi.org/10.1108/00483489410717329
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