More knowledge, new knowledge: the impact on education and training
Reflects on the changes in the fields of education and training over the 40 years in which the journal “Education + Training” has been in existence. In view of the enormity of this task focuses on the issue of acceleration in the rate of generation of new knowledge. Argues that this is acceleration is not taken seriously enough and aims to redress the balance by addressing three implications which, in the author′s view, are most significant: that new knowledge is often tentative and unproved and should be tested carefully; that much new knowledge is ephemeral; and that much knowledge required for problem solving is context‐specific and cannot easily be generalized. Examines how each of these affects organizations in general and universities in particular, focusing on the changing views of research degrees and research skills.
Bourner, T. (1998), "More knowledge, new knowledge: the impact on education and training", Education + Training, Vol. 40 No. 1, pp. 11-14.
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