Starting Work at BP: Inducting Youth Trainees at BP Chemicals
For a number of years, BP Chemicals′ Grangemouth site has demonstrated the company′s commitment to developing young people by running a variety of Youth Training programmes. Induction into the company is mandatory for all employees, and youth trainees are no exception. The two‐week induction programme introduces trainees to company and site rules and procedures as do many induction programmes. This one, however, goes further by beginning training which will help to integrate trainees quickly into their new jobs. They learn about using the telephone and about becoming an effective member of a team. Additionally, they take an active part in selecting their new work placements by interviewing line managers, for which they receive training. They are also given guidance in the selection of suitable dayrelease college courses. The induction programme is reviewed and assessed on completion. This enables continuing improvement as well as ensuring that the rest of the two years of the YT programme meets the needs of trainees, managers and the company.
Amblin, A. and Wilson, K. (1992), "Starting Work at BP: Inducting Youth Trainees at BP Chemicals", Education + Training, Vol. 34 No. 3.
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