What Can Graduates Do? The Findings of a Collaborative Project
Describes some of the findings of a two‐year project which investigated learning outcomes in higher education. The project involved three groups of people; academic staff drawn from 15 universities and polytechnics; 750 of their first‐and final‐year students; 250 employers of graduates. The project organized more than 100 workshops, seminars and conferences to discuss the outcomes and to develop a model which could be used by the staff. Over 300 copies of a consultative document were circulated to all higher education institutions and to employers. Overall, the project demonstrated that academic staff described a range of outcomes relating to academic work (knowledge and cognitive skills) and to competences of a general and vocational nature. Students and employers described broadly similar outcomes relating to vocational competences and to personal and social skills.
Otter, S. (1992), "What Can Graduates Do? The Findings of a Collaborative Project", Education + Training, Vol. 34 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/00400919210013730
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