A cost‐effective procedure for adapting instructional materials
Developing instructional materials is a formidable task. Expertise, motivation, time and special equipment are all necessary to prepare quality items. Furthermore, very few things in training are completely new and, if even a part of existing materials is appropriate for accomplishing training needs, it should be seriously considered. This article develops and explains a procedure for identifying, locating, gathering, examining and adapting instructional materials. It concludes with the importance of, and a methodology for, trying out and revising the materials. If this evaluation procedure is omitted, because of time or other resource constraints, there is a risk that instructional materials will not facilitate attainment of the learning objectives. When this happens, the entire adaptation effort will have been in vain.
Campbell, C.P. (2000), "A cost‐effective procedure for adapting instructional materials", Education + Training, Vol. 42 No. 2, pp. 101-114. https://doi.org/10.1108/00400910010371941
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