Performance evaluation and analysis of lubricating oil using parameter profile approach
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and analyze lube oil performance. The plant experience shows that the oil, even after completion of a number of hours of recommended operation, has some residual life. It is desirable to maximize its use to conserve this scarce resource but avoid failures. At present, continuation or change of the oil is decided, based on the manufacturer's recommendation and experience in the plant. The suggested oil change period is conservative and results in non‐efficient usage of oil. This practice needs refinement to include all possible properties/attributes of oil and use of appropriate procedure to assess its realistic performance.
Parameter profile approach (PPA) is applied to evaluate and analyze the lubricating oil performance parameters.
Physical and chemical properties related to degradation of the lube oil are considered as lubricating oil performance parameters. The value of these performance parameters from time to time, obtained by analyzing samples drawn from the system, are analyzed through PPA. In this approach, mean, median, performance parameter index and time performance index are defined and evaluated at different time intervals. The suggested procedure is illustrated by means of an example.
The suggested procedure will be helpful for the maintenance personnel in planned oil replacement, and in identifying the weak oil properties in respect of the identified lube oil performance parameters.
Sharma, B.C. and Gandhi, O.P. (2008), "Performance evaluation and analysis of lubricating oil using parameter profile approach", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol. 60 No. 3, pp. 131-137.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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