Food safety for babies
Young babies are vulnerable to food‐borne disease. Examines the results of a questionnaire survey of parents and carers in day nurseries to examine the practices used to sterilize feeding equipment, reconstitute infant milk feeds and prepare weaning foods. Reports on observations of infant feeding practices carried out in six day nurseries. Standards of food handling in the nurseries were high but there was a lack of knowledge about current food hygiene regulations. Parents generally complied with recommended techniques for sterilizing equipment and reconstituting infant feeds. Extensive use was made of convenience weaning foods but foods were also prepared in the home. Recommended cooling and reheating techniques were not widely used. Some potentially unsafe practices were used to transport reconstituted milk feeds or weaning foods.
Worsfold, D. (1996), "Food safety for babies", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 96 No. 6, pp. 20-24.
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