A nutrition open‐ learning pack for practising midwives
Many practising midwives feel neither confident nor competent to answer the nutritional concerns of pregnant women in their care. This study was designed to develop and evaluate a nutrition open‐learning pack for practising midwives. A statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) in midwives’ nutrition knowledge scores was demonstrated following study of the nutrition open‐learning materials. Evaluation of the nutrition open‐learning materials was positive with constructive comments and suggestions being made for further development. Open learning is a time‐consuming activity that requires support from managers in terms of study time. As a strategy, open‐learning materials can be developed for whatever the topic and academic level required, which could encompass pre‐registration midwifery education, post‐graduate study and continuing professional development (CPD).
Barrowclough, D. and Ford, F. (2001), "A nutrition open‐ learning pack for practising midwives", Nutrition & Food Science, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 6-12. https://doi.org/10.1108/00346650110361185
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