The black hole of South‐East Asia: strategic decision making in an informational void
Proposes that most managers and researchers acknowledge that emerging and newly industrialized markets do not have the same quantity of secondary data as the long‐industrialized economies of North America and Western Europe. Presents the results of a search of available, business‐related, secondary data on South‐East Asia’s rapidly growing economies; highlights how this dearth of data has resulted in an informational void that affects the practice of strategic management in the region. Also delineates how regional managers cope with and adapt to the informational void, and to the region’s fast‐changing business, cultural and competitive environments, by developing their unique, highly‐intuitive style of strategic management. Finally, provides some suggestions to bridge this informational void for management practice and for future research.
Haley, G.T. and Tan, C. (1996), "The black hole of South‐East Asia: strategic decision making in an informational void", Management Decision, Vol. 34 No. 9, pp. 37-48.
Copyright © 1996, MCB UP Limited