The tyranny of the volunteer: the care and feeding of voluntary workforces
Examines the huge voluntary sector contribution and shows that vast numbers of the population involve themselves in voluntary work at some time or another. Estimates that the value of their contributions could be as high as £40 billion. This huge sum is generated by dedicated people who nevertheless are for the most part not managed or badly managed, are a constantly shifting group and are not subject to the normal disciplines of business. Sets out how human resource management, as adopted by industry, can be adapted sensitively for the volunteer work‐force, despite the fact that normal levels of management ‐ control and direction ‐ are either unusable or so weak that they can be accepted or ignored, according to mood and conditions.
Wilson, A. and Pimm, G. (1996), "The tyranny of the volunteer: the care and feeding of voluntary workforces", Management Decision, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 24-40.
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