The MCC decision matrix:: a tool for applying strategic logic to everyday activity
Proposes the MCC decision matrix as a modern equivalent of the original Boston Consulting Group (BCG) portfolio matrix. Focuses on the key questions of mission and core competences which define the axes of the matrix and give it its name. Unlike the BCG matrix, the MCC matrix can be used to assess the relative merits of any competing claims on resources, not just those associated with product/ market segments or strategic business units. Also the validity of the matrix itself can be challenged and its expression modified. Claims that the matrix can be applied to sub‐units at any level of the organization and is therefore a powerful tool for applying strategic logic to all types of resource‐allocation decisions throughout an organization, ensuring their optimal contribution to building competitive strength. Presents a nine‐cell directional policy matrix as an alternative form.
Nicholls, J. (1995), "The MCC decision matrix:: a tool for applying strategic logic to everyday activity", Management Decision, Vol. 33 No. 6, pp. 4-10.
Copyright © 1995, MCB UP Limited