Tourism in Africa’s economic development: policy implications
This paper assesses the progress that has been made in realizing the contributions of tourism to Africa’s economic development. It does this by examining the nature of tourism development and identifying problems that have inhibited this. Consequently, the paper highlights the need for intra‐African co‐operation for the provision of an enabling environment and mobilization of strategic resources. It concludes that successful tourism development in Africa is predicated on attention to a range of issues such as clear tourism development objectives, integration of these into national plans, local involvement and control, regional co‐operation and integration, tourism entrepreneurship, etc. Africa’s experience may have relevance to other developing countries seeking to encourage tourism development strategy.
Dieke, P.U.C. (2003), "Tourism in Africa’s economic development: policy implications", Management Decision, Vol. 41 No. 3, pp. 287-295.
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