Perspectives on transformational leadership in the Sanhedrin of ancient Judaism
Individuals interested in leadership can learn much from the Nesi’im (presidents) that headed the Sanhedrin. These leaders faced incredible adversity: Hellenists, Sadducees, Greeks, Romans, the destruction of the Temple, religious persecution, and exile. Yet, they still managed to keep the Jewish people together. The article claims that these individuals were transformational leaders. This paper examines the literature of transformational leadership, and the various characteristics, philosophies, sayings, and behavior of the leaders of the Sanhedrin. The philosophies and values of Nesi’im such as Hillel and Gamliel, recorded in the Talmud and Midrash, did what large armies could not have accomplished: destroy the pagan values of the Greeks and Romans. This paper describes how these philosophies might serve as a paradigm or touchstone for the successful leader of today.
Langbert, M. and Friedman, H.H. (2003), "Perspectives on transformational leadership in the Sanhedrin of ancient Judaism", Management Decision, Vol. 41 No. 2, pp. 199-207.
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