A historical examination of employee entitlement
There has been much debate about people’s perceptions of entitlement. We trace the history of the different uses of entitlement perceptions across fields in order to develop a typology that identifies two dimensions: level of entitlement and degree of reciprocity. We conclude that a historical, cross‐disciplinary examination of the construct of employee entitlement will improve our understanding of the role of entitlement perceptions in the workplace. Specifically, we suggest that each of the four combinations of the entitlement and reciprocity dimensions points to a different employee‐organization relationship and, thus, requires a different motivational tool.
Naumann, S.E., Minsky, B.D. and Sturman, M.C. (2002), "A historical examination of employee entitlement", Management Decision, Vol. 40 No. 1, pp. 89-94. https://doi.org/10.1108/00251740210413406
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