Hans and Charles Renold: entrepreneurs in the introduction of scientific management techniques in Britain
Using the case study of Hans Renold Ltd, examines a particular form of entrepreneurial activity, namely the introduction of new management techniques. This company was chosen for study because it has long been accepted as having been the first company in Britain to introduce scientific management along Taylorist lines. The paper specifically examines the roles of Hans Renold and his son, Charles, in the adoption of the new management techniques. Utilising the detailed archives of the company, we find evidence to suggest that both were important, though in different ways, and in doing so we throw light on the development of management practice within an important pioneering company, on the specific problems faced, and how they were overcome.
Boyns, T. (2001), "Hans and Charles Renold: entrepreneurs in the introduction of scientific management techniques in Britain", Management Decision, Vol. 39 No. 9, pp. 719-728. https://doi.org/10.1108/00251740110408737
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