The healthy option: A review of activity on food and nutrition by UK schools involved in the European Network of Health Promoting Schools
The UK has been participating in the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) since 1993. One of the main concerns identified by participating schools has been the provision of food on their premises. This paper looks at some of the ways the ENHPS project schools have moved towards developing a whole school approach to food and nutrition. Key themes identified by the schools include: linking the school curriculum with the school dining room and other food outlets; involving pupils and parents; improving the design and environment of the school dining room; and collaborating with the school’s catering service. Argues that, through such initiatives, schools have the potential to make a significant contribution to dietary change and the health of their pupils.
Bowker, S., Crosswaite, C., Hickman, M., McGuffin, S. and Tudor‐Smith, C. (1999), "The healthy option: A review of activity on food and nutrition by UK schools involved in the European Network of Health Promoting Schools", British Food Journal, Vol. 101 No. 8, pp. 610-620.
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