Fairchild, R. (2006), "Nutrition and an Active Life. From Knowledge to Action", British Food Journal, Vol. 108 No. 3, pp. 226-226.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
This book is the culmination of many years experience in promoting health in the Latin America, and as such it may not appear to be of use to you. Originally attracted by the title I was duped into thinking this was some sort of sports or exercise nutrition text. On examining the contents it clearly is not, however, the book is useful for those with an interest through career or voluntary work in improving lives by food and exercise programmes.
The work has three main thrusts. First, targeting individuals, where the case studies concern breastfeeding, micronutrient deficiencies (Vitamin A, Iodine and Folate), overweight and obesity. Second, the effects of rapid urbanisation and the importance of local strategies to improve exercise and nutrition are evaluated. This utilizes a number of case studies from Brazil, Peru and Colombia. Third, there is a clear collaborative working emphasis, looking at the importance of combining public health and urban development to ensure integrated approaches to nutrition and an active lifestyle actually work.
Five of the eight millennium development goals (MDG) set by the United Nations in 2000 are the focus of this book. MDG1, the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, MDG4, reducing child mortality, MDG5, improving maternal health, MDG7, ensuring environmental sustainability and MDG8, forging a global partnership to promote socioeconomic development. This further expands the possible readership of this book, but again the title belies this.
There is much to be learnt here, whether you are from a developed or developing country, and much of this is put across in a genuine and clear way. In the introduction Freire mentions that the work presented aims to inform, guide and allow reflection. This will be of use in many spheres from health promotion and education to planning and policy development sectors, as well of course for those who wish to provide global examples of effective practice in their teaching.