Case studies

Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.

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Subject area

The built environment

Study level/applicability

This case can be used for undergraduate and post graduate level business and management studies. The topics identified for this case study would be environmental management applicable to green management, corporate sustainability and financial planning, buildings conservation, sustainable constructions and projects and the hospitality industry.

Case overview

Mr Niranjan Khatri is one of the people involved in ITC's successful implementation of green management techniques. The key issue causing concern to management is how they initiate this new concept to the already existing and functional hotels in the country. The second key challenge is managing their stakeholders. Being in the service industry, customer service and convenience is of prime importance and at times they may be in conflict with the sustainability agenda of ITC.

Expected learning outcomes

Students should be able to analyse the importance of environmental management in the hospitality industry; recognize the operational constraints and legal obligations surrounding environmental performance in hospitality and tourism, Interpret environmental theory and work out an implementation plan for implementing environmental management in hotels.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Ismail Omar and Fauziah Raji

Property development, the built environment and privatisation.


Subject area

Property development, the built environment and privatisation.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate and MA level property development courses, modules covering privatisation within undergraduate, MBA and MA level management programmes.

Case overview

Property development is complex and diverse. It involves many agents with diverse roles, strategies and actions that affect the return. In a way, privatisation reduces government's financial burdens and offers ease of procedures to agents. This case study investigates privatisation of property development projects by a local authority in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In particular, the study focuses on modes of privatisation (MOP) and the extent to which it affects the return of the projects. The MOP studied are the land swap, land lease and the joint venture development on 15 selected privatisation projects.

Expected learning outcomes

Students are expected to be able to understand the MOP for land development projects using Malaysia as an example; evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these MOP; assess the benefits and impacts to the local Malaysian authority, landowners and land developers of MOP; and apply suitable MOP to alternative development projects.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 17 April 2020

Elizabeth Ontaneda and Guillermo Quiroga

Identificar el tipo de innovación que ha generado la propuesta de Gastón Acurio. Ya que si bien desarrolla productos nuevos su principal innovación es en el modelo de negocio…


Learning outcomes

Identificar el tipo de innovación que ha generado la propuesta de Gastón Acurio. Ya que si bien desarrolla productos nuevos su principal innovación es en el modelo de negocio. Comprender las principales estrategias desarrolladas para el crecimiento y consolidación de la comida peruana como categoría a nivel mundial y del grupo Acurio. Identificar los elementos de un modelo de negocio usando un Business Model Canvas. Explicar cómo los elementos de un modelo de negocio se relacionan y refuerzan entre sí y cómo son driver de buen desempeño. Evaluar las fortalezas, oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas a un modelo de negocio. Analizar los cambios al modelo que podrían capitalizar o mitigar estos factores, sustentado con evidencia.

Case overview/synopsis

Gastón Acurio es un exitoso chef y empresario Peruano que ha sido clave en la formación de la industria gastronómica nacional. Se distingue de otros empresarios del rubro por su innovador modelo de negocio que le ha permitido crecer y aprovechar nuevas oportunidades a nivel local como internacional. Su éxito y crecimiento atrajeron US $52 millones en capital de dos fondos de inversión. Sin embargo, los desafíos del modelo quedan en evidencia durante una difícil apertura de un local en el extranjero exacerbado por una dura crítica del New York Times. Los estudiantes deben identificar y analizar los elementos clave del modelo de negocio desarrollado por Acurio para evaluar y proponer cambios que podrían mejor aprovechar sus fortalezas y oportunidades, así como mitigar sus debilidades y amenazas.

Complexity academic level

Maestría o MBA

Supplementary materials

Teaching Notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 12: Tourism and Hospitality.

Case study
Publication date: 28 March 2022

Arvind Shroff and Bhavin J. Shah

Need for preventive health care: To comprehend the contribution of preventive health care in improving the health quotient. Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital (SSSSH) and its…


Learning outcomes

Need for preventive health care: To comprehend the contribution of preventive health care in improving the health quotient. Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital (SSSSH) and its initiative is an apt example of the wonder which preventive care can bring in the context of rural health. Community participation: The case can be instrumental in showing the pathway to encourage community involvement in mainstream health by promoting the holistic model of SSSSH that understands mothers and children's health profile and needs, especially in the unreached rural segments of an emerging economy like India. Importance of healthy childhood: World Health Organization (WHO) promotes the school health programme to prevent health risks among children by inculcating healthy behaviours during childhood. The successful SSSSH model proves that it is implementable by integrating comprehensive health education modules in the existing institutions for medical care.

Case overview/synopsis

The challenge of a healthy childhood is inadequate availability and accessibility of quality care. Non-awareness of the parents is also a significant reason for the children who miss the benefit of a happy childhood. While much is planned by the Government and some part of it being executed, this case highlights the effectiveness of the maternal and child health programme executed by the Sri Sathya Sai Sanjeevani Hospital (SSSSH). This initiative fulfills the dire need of ensuring the preventive healthcare component leading to safe motherhood and safe birth of healthy children. Further, the case is also the culmination of pin-pointed innovative awareness activities such as school health screening and the Divine Mother and Child Health Program (DMCHP). It opens up the discussion on the current model of health care followed by SSSSH, Raipur, and its impact in the local areas to decide on its expansion across the country for nationwide implementation.

Complexity academic level

Bachelors in Business Administration, MBA, Executive MBA, Post Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Management

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 2: Built Environment.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 12 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Tourism & Hospitality

Study level/applicability

Post graduate

Case overview

The South African-based Sun International Group (SI) develops, operates and manages hotels, resorts and casinos. In its mission statement, SI describes itself as a “leisure group offering superior gaming, hotel and entertainment experiences”. In 1984, SI was listed in the travel and leisure sector on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. SI is looking for growth opportunities.

Expected learning outcomes

Strategic options analysis to create new market spaces. Practical application of blue ocean thinking frameworks.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 3 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 27 February 2014

Gaunette Marie Sinclair-Maragh

This case study can be used in the following subject areas: tourism management; tourism policy; tourism planning and development; destination marketing and management; hospitality…


Subject area

This case study can be used in the following subject areas: tourism management; tourism policy; tourism planning and development; destination marketing and management; hospitality and tourism management; special event planning and management; and attraction management.

Study level/applicability

This case study is useful to both undergraduate and graduate students specializing in hospitality and tourism management.

Case overview

This case study explored the nature of two forms of tourism development; resort-based and resource-based, and aimed to determine which is the more viable and sustainable option for the future of tourism in Jamaica, an island destination in the Caribbean which depends highly on the tourism industry. The literature established that both forms of tourism are challenged by several and varying factors and so their synergistic integration appears to be the most functional option for sustainable tourism development in Jamaica along with the involvement of the relevant stakeholders.

Expected learning outcomes

The students should be able to:

  • Distinguish between resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism by identifying the elements and attributes that make them different.

  • Explain the usefulness and drawbacks of both types of tourism model.

  • Discuss the nature of culture and heritage tourism and eco-tourism.

  • Analyze Jamaica's tourism model from the nineteenth to the twenty-firstst century by assessing the changes and developments.

  • Discuss the role of government in facilitating the development of a “wholisitic tourism model” that will facilitate the synergy of resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism.

  • Assess the role of the private sector in encouraging and facilitating resource-based tourism.

Distinguish between resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism by identifying the elements and attributes that make them different.

Explain the usefulness and drawbacks of both types of tourism model.

Discuss the nature of culture and heritage tourism and eco-tourism.

Analyze Jamaica's tourism model from the nineteenth to the twenty-firstst century by assessing the changes and developments.

Discuss the role of government in facilitating the development of a “wholisitic tourism model” that will facilitate the synergy of resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism.

Assess the role of the private sector in encouraging and facilitating resource-based tourism.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.

Social implications

This case study conceptually and empirically analyzed the tourism model in Jamaica to ascertain whether or not the future of Jamaica's tourism should remain dependent on resort-based tourism or should it opt for resource-based tourism as a more viable and sustainable option. The discussion however, indicates that resort-based tourism can synergize with resource-based tourism to achieve sustainable development along with the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders including the government, hotel operators and the residents. The case synopsis likewise presented a concise summary of the literature reviewed regarding the concepts of resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism; and the case of Jamaica's tourism.

The learning outcomes are intended to guide the teaching- learning process and stimulate students' understanding of the concepts of resort-based tourism and resource-based tourism and their specific implications in terms of tourism development in Jamaica. This knowledge can also be generalized to other destinations with similar historical background and tourism resources. The applied questions will guide the discussions and provide additional resources for assessment purposes. They will also help the students to critically assess the dynamics of tourism development.

The case synopsis is consistent with the learning outcomes, corresponding applied questions and course recommendations. A total of two to three-hours teaching session can be used to discuss the constructs, analyze the case in point and answer the applied questions.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 4 no. 2
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 October 2011

Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan

Crisis management, reputation and brand management, corporate communication, logistics, organization strategy.


Subject area

Crisis management, reputation and brand management, corporate communication, logistics, organization strategy.

Study level/applicability

Post-graduate and executive education.

Case overview

The Eyjafjallajökull Iceland Volcano erupted on April 14, 2010, causing an estimated loss of US$1.7 billion for the aviation industry. At one stage in this weeklong event, 1.2 million passengers were affected with 100,000 flights being grounded across Europe. This case documents the way Etihad, a leading global airline company managed the crisis and continues to learn for future scenarios.

Expected learning outcomes

Adaptation strategies, reputation management, brand management, crisis planning and implementation, communication and stakeholder management, scenario analysis.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Power and politics.

Study level/applicability

This case is suitable for all levels of students, undergraduate MBA to Executive MBA classes and practitioners. Assignment questions are designed from the perspective of teaching this case to a business student audience.

Case overview

A raging dispute between Kerala and Tamil Nadu over the 116-year-old Mullaperiyar Dam was in the national spotlight after mild tremors shook nearby areas. The Mullaperiyar Dam was located in Idukki district of Kerala in India. The dam was filled to its maximum permissible level of 136 ft. Tamil Nadu wanted the storage capacity to be increased by raising the dam height from 136 ft (41.5 m) to 142 ft (43 m) as per a 2006 Supreme Court directive to meet the growing irrigation needs of the state. The dam was vital for people living in the drought-prone districts of Theni, Dindigul, Madurai, Sivagangai and Ramanathapuram of Tamil Nadu. It irrigated about 220,000 acres and supplied drinking water to Madurai city and several towns. Kerala on the other hand wants a new dam as it feared that a strong earthquake might damage the existing dam. Chief Minister of Kerala, Oommen Chandy said: “I strongly believe that only a new dam can provide safety to the people of Kerala. We are only concerned about the safety of the people. But, unfortunately, there is a feeling in Tamil Nadu that the situation of panic here is a created one. That is not at all correct”. However, Tamil Nadu Government said the dam was safe as it had undergone periodic repairs during 1980-1994 with Kerala Government's approval. With the Kerala Government screaming loud over the danger that could be caused by the alleged obsolete 116 year old Mullaperiyar Dam on safety grounds of people who live downstream, why is Tamil Nadu defiant on any debate that cites the decommission of the controversial dam? Is the Tamil Nadu Government overlooking the issue for its personal benefits by putting the lives of 3 million people at stake?

Expected learning outcomes

The case would fit in a course for power and politics. It would also be appropriate for a modular course on regional development planning.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 4 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 29 October 2021

Vanita Bhoola, Vineeta Dwivedi and Ayalur Vedpuriswar

Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Communication.


Subject area

Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Communication.

Study level/applicability

Study level: MBA and Executive Education.

Applicability: This case can be taught in the project management course. It will cover the project-planning phase, which is an iterative or progressive elaboration for the entire project lifecycle. The case will help in discussing how project management is an important discipline to manage projects and stakeholders effectively.

Case overview

The case depicts the dilemma of a passionate entrepreneur who is setting up an ambitious dairy business but project execution goes awry. The case discusses the challenges related to project planning and execution.

It captures the essence of proactive risk management, measures that can mitigate risks and create opportunities. The case also discusses the entire project lifecycle from project initiation to closure and the challenges a manager has to face in terms of stakeholder engagement, risk management, stakeholder communication and scope change.

Expected learning outcomes

To understand the alignment of the project with the organisation strategy; to learn to create a project plan and monitor and control the scope, schedule, resources and costs; to accurately estimate project costs, timelines, and quality and schedule, using tools like MS Project; to learn the risk management techniques for managing projects, teams and stakeholders; and to manage stakeholder communication effectively.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes are available for educators only.

Subject code

CSS 2: Built Environment.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 11 no. 4
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 October 2011

Joseph Khoury and Luciano Barin-Cruz

Sustainable development (in under-developed rural communities).


Subject area

Sustainable development (in under-developed rural communities).

Study level/applicability

Bachelor's degree.

Case overview

The case follows six young adults from Quebec, who are mandated with a three-month agro-environmental project in the fight against desertification and poverty, in Kamaka, a village in the Sahel region of Mali. The project's central element is the development of a community garden that would ensure the diversification of the community's nutritional diet, and the rehabilitation of the environment. The mandate also consists of various environmental awareness workshops pertaining to efficient energy consumption, composting, and solar food drying techniques. The project, in its fourth year of collaboration between the Quebec organization and their local Malian partner, does not seem to have been yielding the desired results. The team is faced with the challenges of understanding the opportunities and limitations of the project so that they can try to succeed where previous teams have failed; while overcoming the organizational and logistical shortfalls that they faced prior to the start of their work, as they simultaneously struggled to adapt to their totally new context.

Expected learning outcomes

How to prepare for, approach, and carry out local community development projects – environmental and/or social – in under-developed regions such as Mali. Mainly, how to create a shared vision with the concerned community; build an effective multi-stakeholder network; and ultimately co-create sustainable value (as per the proposed Senge model).

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes and short documentary online link.

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