Case studies
Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.
Sahar E-Vahdati, Wan Nordin Wan-Hussin and Oon Hun Ling
This study enables to critique the development of a sustainability strategy brand; integrated reports, sustainability reports, usage of safe internet and online learning skills to…
Learning outcomes
This study enables to critique the development of a sustainability strategy brand; integrated reports, sustainability reports, usage of safe internet and online learning skills to reduce inequalities and increase stakeholders’ values.
Case overview/synopsis
Digi Telecommunications (Digi) has been publishing annual sustainability reporting in line with Global Reporting Initiatives since 2009. Albern Murty, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Digi, the largest player in the mobile telecommunications industry in Malaysia by the number of subscribers, decided to establish a responsible business brand known as Yellow Heart in 2018 to better serve their stakeholders demand. There was a low stakeholder understanding of Digi’s sustainability efforts and societal impacts. Digi’s Sustainability department aspired to make Yellow Heart the best industry practice for continuous improvements by making Responsible Business commitment one of the main pillars of the company’s strategy and vision. Yellow Heart was linked to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)10 on reducing inequalities by focusing on Digital Inclusion and Resilience to increase safe access opportunities, provide marginalized communities with opportunities to pursue interests in digital learning pathways and create a more sustainable digital future for all. The case study illustrates the sustainability management at Digi and the planned migration from sustainability reporting to integrated reporting to build trust in the business with all the stakeholders. The case dilemma involves the challenges that Philip Ling Oon Hun, the Head of the Sustainability, faced in deciding the SDGs to focus on and measuring and reporting their outcomes to contribute to the greater good, not only in pure business terms but also to society at large.
Complexity academic level
This case is appropriate for undergraduate or graduate-level programs in Accounting, Corporate Governance and Strategy Implementation.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
The primary teaching objective is to discuss the capital raising efforts of a firm under financial distress. It also provides supporting data to calculate cost of capital…
Learning outcomes
The primary teaching objective is to discuss the capital raising efforts of a firm under financial distress. It also provides supporting data to calculate cost of capital, DuPont/modified DuPont values and Altman’s Z-Score that can appropriately be incorporated into the discussion. Case-B provides information and data of the company’s recent performance and to changes in bankruptcy law in India. Overall, this case study provides ample scope to discuss, understand and provide the solution to the following key corporate finance themes as follows: 1. Analyzing accounting statements and examine potential earnings quality issue. 2. Predicting default and bankruptcy using qualitative analysis, financial ratios, traditional and modified DuPont models and Altman’s Z score model. 3. Examining the capital raising efforts of a distressed firm, which has already defaulted on borrowings. 4. To explore the impact of changes in regulation on the turnaround efforts of the firm as well as on the promoters of the firm.
Case overview/synopsis
Since 2005, Amtek Auto moved at a breathtaking speed with the goal of reaching $10bn in sales, from the current level of about $1.2bn. The group had acquired more than a dozen companies spending about Rs.5,000cr. ($850m) during this period primarily through borrowed funds. However, the market and business expansion was not happening as expected. The company’s capacity utilization was just about 40% (approx.) during much of this period. The mounting fixed costs of operation and debt servicing grew to the level of unsustainability, led the firm to default on its borrowing. Now the company had to quickly recapitalize itself to run its operations and retain the premier position in auto component industry. The company and its promoters were considering various methods of debt restructuring, asset sale and further equity infusion.
Complexity academic level
Introductory and elective level corporate finance.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
This case can be used to help students achieve the following objectives: To project financial statements and assemble different pieces of financial information to create a…
Learning outcomes
This case can be used to help students achieve the following objectives: To project financial statements and assemble different pieces of financial information to create a valuation model (objective #1, create), To calculate a value for Arcor shares, supporting the estimated value with the chosen assumptions and methodologies (objective #2, evaluate), To draw connections between four different approaches to valuation (DCF, EVA, RV and VI), contrasting them and weighting their advantages and limitations (objective #3, analyze), To examine the relationship between forecasted financial statements and valuation (objective #3, analyze), To discuss the calculation of the Weighted Average Cost of Capital in a new situation as is an emerging economy, with the corresponding country-risk adjustment (objective #4, apply), To discuss the sources of value creation in a family-owned private company in a developing economy (objective #4, apply), To understand the dilemma that the head of a company was facing, identifying the three possible financing alternatives discussed in the text as follows: corporate bonds, earnings reinvestment and an IPO (objective #5, understand). To recall basic facts, as the main character’s opinion on the direction of the local economy or the fact that Arcor already complies with the information requirements of a public company (objective #7, remember).
Case overview/synopsis
This case is based on the valuation of the world’s largest candy maker, Arcor S.A.I.C., originally a Latin American company, which remains a private family business. The key problem presented by the case is the use of different valuation approaches to price Arcor shares, in view of a possible Initial Public Offer. The case illustrates the application of four main valuation approaches as follows: Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Economic Value Added (EVA), Relative Valuation (RV) and Value Investing (VI). Additionally, it includes a fundamental analysis of eight years of historical financial information and the preparation of forecasted financial statements. Set in a developing economy, the Arcor case introduces the complexities of calculating the cost of capital with the inclusion of country risk, as well as the financial analysis distortions caused by an environment of high inflation.
Complexity academic level
The Arcor case is appropriate to be used in graduate courses of Corporate Finance, Valuation or Private Equity.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
Zaimah Abdullah, Hasnah Shaari, Sitraselvi Chandren and Arifatul Husna Mohd Ariff
The teaching case is designed to be used by students in higher education institutions at the undergraduate level. This case may also be relevant for staff at the bursary…
Study level/applicability
The teaching case is designed to be used by students in higher education institutions at the undergraduate level. This case may also be relevant for staff at the bursary departments of any public universities or public organizations that have biological assets.
Case overview
This case provides a study on agricultural activity at Universiti Pengurusan Malaysia (UNIPM). The purpose of this case is to create greater awareness for case users on the accounting framework and on methods recommended for recording specific assets in agricultural activity, i.e., biological assets. This case provides users with experience in explaining the nature of an organization’s agricultural activities and accounting for biological assets as recommended in the Malaysian accounting framework. In addition, users are exposed to some current issues in accounting standards, such as ethical issues. In this case, Fakhrul, an accountant at UNIPM and a leader of the Asset Unit, was responsible for reporting the value of all UNIPM’s assets, including biological assets. He was instructed to accurately recognize, measure, and disclose the value of biological assets according to the appropriate accounting standard. Furthermore, UNIPM had been urged to replace the existing accounting standard of the Malaysian Private Entity Reporting Standard (MPERS) with the Malaysian Public Sector Accounting Standard (MPSAS). Fakhrul was considering how to account for and report biological assets according to the new MPSAS. This case is a decision making or ‘unfinished’ case which is suitable for financial accounting and reporting courses. The names of the people and the university are fictitious, but the details were based on actual events. A series of interviews were conducted with the key players to gather the data. Other useful documents such as the university’s annual report, university’s website and the deer reports were also referred.
Expected learning outcomes
The primary objective of this teaching case is to provide an opportunity for case users to understand both the accounting framework and the methods recommended for recording specific assets in agricultural activity. More specifically, the teaching objectives of this case are to achieve the following learning outcomes: to identify the relevant accounting standard for recognizing, measuring, reporting, and disclosing biological assets by public universities in Malaysia, to apply the appropriate accounting treatment in recognizing, measuring, reporting, and disclosing biological assets in accordance with the appropriate accounting standard for public universities in Malaysia and to understand the ethical issues involved in deer valuation methods.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and finance.
Carlos De Jesus, Jason Ker-Fox and Phuti Senyatsi
Financial management – Specifically start-up valuations.
Subject area:
Financial management – Specifically start-up valuations.
Study level/applicability:
Honours or masters level (professional or academic).
Case overview:
The case is around a tech start-up in the informal transport market in South Africa, that has obtained some government funding and developed a working SaaS. However, requires funding to expand and grow. Informal transport is significant in emerging and developing markets and the product is portable internationally. In South Africa, two listed companies (US and SA) were started with similar concepts in Logistics and private client market and are now global in 124 and 24 countries. Management of the venture capital firm are senior and experienced and have invested years and funding into this company, and while willing to offer equity had quite a high value in mind, the venture capital company (with an impact mandate) needs to decide whether to fund the start-up and negotiate a value.
Expected learning outcomes:
Characteristics of a successful start-up are formulating an appropriate discount rate, using real world data; performing a DCF and relative valuations given limited information; scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis; and the importance of negotiating (understanding managements side).
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Complexity academic level
This case was written for use in financial management classes in either an academic full-time student (final year undergraduate/bachelor) or a postgraduate program with working students/professional (MBA) program level.
Subject code
CSS: 1: Accounting and finance.
The following subjects are addressed through the case: Integrated thinking; professional skills; ethics and values; sustainability; and responsible leadership.
Subject area
The following subjects are addressed through the case: Integrated thinking; professional skills; ethics and values; sustainability; and responsible leadership.
Study level/applicability
This teaching case is aimed at Postgraduate accounting honours or masters students or MBA students.
Case overview
The case begins on 16 May 2018, with Jason Roberts, Head of Environmental Programmes at World wide fund for nature (WWF), reflecting over bad news. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (“DAFF”, also referred to as “government”), have just approved the 2017/2018 Total Allowable Catch (“TAC”) for the West Coast (WC) rock lobster at 1,924 tons, almost three times the amount recommended by the scientific community. The events describe a history of tension between the primary objectives of the WWF and the government; difficulties in stakeholder management, and the potential consequences for the survival of the WC rock lobster and those who depend on it for their livelihood. The different perspectives held by different stakeholders; the relevance of the scientific evidence; the legal provisions in place and the process applicable to making the TAC decision; all highlight the complex environment in which decisions were made; to which the WWF is wondering how to respond.
Expected learning outcomes
The case’s primary learning objective is to highlight the variety of considerations involved in complex decision-making, also known as “integrated thinking”. Students will be required to critically analyse and evaluate the information in the case, as well as the exhibits; to comment on the appropriateness of various decisions and recommendations; evaluate the ethical/moral responsibilities of WWF; understand different perspectives and the reasons for these perspectives; identify actions and statements that reflect responsible leadership, as well as those that reflect the contrary; and apply learnings from this case to personally reflect on one’s role as a responsible business leader.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
Farizah Sulong, Michael M. Dent, Norhayati Mohd Alwi and Maliah Sulaiman
Integrated Case Study, Advanced Management Accounting, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), Human Resource Management.
Subject area
Integrated Case Study, Advanced Management Accounting, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), Human Resource Management.
Study level/applicability
This case is designed for undergraduate students in accounting, business or human resource management programmes.
Case overview
The case is about Irfan, a former Production Manager in Omicron, a small and medium-sized enterprise in Selangor, Malaysia, manufacturing automotive metal parts. Irfan is truly enthusiastic for environmental and cost-reduction tools and wishes to pursue it further to his best possible. The case presents Irfan facing the dilemma of how to align his passion for these tools to his future career choice. He is faced with three options – to remain in Omicron, to accept a job offer in another company or to establish his own consultancy firm. The case highlights the heavy involvement of Irfan in the implementation of a new environmental tool, Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) in Omicron, and all the tasks, activities, benefits and challenges encountered. Being at the ground with the implementation and outputs achieved, Irfan is excited about MFCA and wants to continue with it, due to the rich and valuable experience gained from its implementation and its potential for future savings. However, he does not seem to observe a similar excitement among the higher management. The case details an example of the implementation of MFCA for one of Omicron’s products and other relevant information that could serve as a guidance to any future implementation either in Omicron, the new company or even his own company. The case also provides details about Omicron and how Irfan regard Omicron as his second family to hint a strong pulling factor for Irfan to remain in Omicron, hence providing the extra weight on the dilemma he faces.
Expected learning outcomes
In the process of assessing a career choice dilemma for a middle-level manager, students are expected to analyse the three career options available to this middle manager, whose dilemma also relates to his passion of pursuing environment-related and cost-reduction tools. Where the environment is concerned, some parties need extra persuasion to pursue it and this also triggers the middle-manager’s dilemma. This case is intended to provide a tool to enable students to review and discuss matters, such as overcoming obstacles of pursuing environmental-related initiatives and progressing a mid-life career that provides self-fulfilment financially, emotionally and mentally. Among the theories and concepts referred include diffusion of innovations theory, EMA concepts and Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
Vanita Bhoola, Vineeta Dwivedi and Ayalur Vedpuriswar
Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Communication.
Subject area
Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Risk Management, Communication.
Study level/applicability
Study level: MBA and Executive Education.
Applicability: This case can be taught in the project management course. It will cover the project-planning phase, which is an iterative or progressive elaboration for the entire project lifecycle. The case will help in discussing how project management is an important discipline to manage projects and stakeholders effectively.
Case overview
The case depicts the dilemma of a passionate entrepreneur who is setting up an ambitious dairy business but project execution goes awry. The case discusses the challenges related to project planning and execution.
It captures the essence of proactive risk management, measures that can mitigate risks and create opportunities. The case also discusses the entire project lifecycle from project initiation to closure and the challenges a manager has to face in terms of stakeholder engagement, risk management, stakeholder communication and scope change.
Expected learning outcomes
To understand the alignment of the project with the organisation strategy; to learn to create a project plan and monitor and control the scope, schedule, resources and costs; to accurately estimate project costs, timelines, and quality and schedule, using tools like MS Project; to learn the risk management techniques for managing projects, teams and stakeholders; and to manage stakeholder communication effectively.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only.
Subject code
CSS 2: Built Environment.
Rohit Bansal and Sanjay Kumar Kar
After completion of the case, students will be able to understand the following: how to understand financial statements, income statements and cash-flow statements with the help…
Learning outcomes
After completion of the case, students will be able to understand the following: how to understand financial statements, income statements and cash-flow statements with the help of ratios; understand the concept of shareholding pattern along with different entities, namely, non-promoters, foreign institutional investor, domestic institutional investor and others; financial ratio analysis with traditional DuPont and extended DuPont analysis; understand the differences between comparable firms; how to analysis return, risk, covariance, correlation, market risk and capital assets pricing model (CAPM) and how to suggest an appropriate investment strategy.
Case overview/synopsis
The case presents company background and financial statements of four companies listed under departmental stores in India, namely, Vmart retail, V2 retail, Avenue Supermarts (known as DMart) and future retail. Students are asked to determine, which company is performing better to make a recommendation for investment. Students learn the tools of financial ratio i.e. profitability, efficiency, liquidity and market-based ratio along with the traditional DuPont decomposition and the extended DuPont analysis. Students also learn how to measure stock return, standard deviation, covariance, correlation, market risk and CAPM.
Complexity academic level
This case is suitable for management accounting, financial analysis and security analysis and portfolio management courses at the post-graduate or graduate levels. The case can be used in similar courses such as in financial statement analysis courses or security analysis and portfolio management courses.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS: 1 Accounting and finance.
Elikplimi Komla Agbloyor, Frank Kwakutse Ametefe, Emmanuel Sarpong-Kumankoma and Vera Fiador
After completing this case, students should be able to: identify and compute relevant cash flows in relation to a real estate project and compute the net present value (NPV)…
Learning outcomes
After completing this case, students should be able to: identify and compute relevant cash flows in relation to a real estate project and compute the net present value (NPV). Determine the target return or cost of capital (by looking at historical economic indicators). Design or formulate a sensitivity analysis to determine the drivers of the project value. Evaluate real estate and other investments taking qualitative and quantitative factors into consideration. Demonstrate the computation of a break-even rate to determine the minimum or maximum revenue or cost required for a project to be viable.
Case overview/synopsis
This case study is about the Golden Beak Securities Pension Fund that wanted to invest in a Hostel Project in one of the universities in Ghana. Most universities in Ghana faced an acute shortage of on-campus accommodation. Also, the Government of Ghana, in 2017, implemented a programme to make Senior High School in Ghana free. This was expected to increase the number of students who will enter the existing universities. The project was therefore seen as strategic, as it would help ease the pressure of on-campus accommodation while providing diversification for the pension fund. As part of the investment committee’s (IC) quest to improve the skill set available to it, especially in relation to real estate investments, Esi Abebrese was appointed as one of the members of the IC of GSB. Her main task was to collect information on key macroeconomic variables, as well as granular information on project costs and revenues and conduct investment appraisal. Esi was scheduled to make a presentation to the IC on the 15th of October 2019 following which the Committee will debate and make a decision. The project had an estimated cost of GH¢52m with a total number of 3,424 student beds and ancillary facilities. Undertaking the project required moving funds from investments in money market securities with one of the banks in Ghana. The investments in the money market securities were currently yielding about 16% a year. The determination of the cost of capital was critical and Esi and Nana eventually settled on a long-term weighted average cost of capital of 14%. This was after considering the trend of inflation, monetary policy rates, treasury rates, stock market returns and a report on returns on commercial real estate properties in Ghana. An exit capitalisation rate of 20% was also estimated for the purposes of determining the value of the property at the end of the investment horizon. Esi also obtained estimates of cost and revenue for the project and proceeded to carry out a feasibility analysis on the project. This consisted of an NPV analysis and sensitivity analysis on various factors to determine the drivers of the project value. The IC had to take several factors (both quantitative and qualitative) into consideration before making a decision. Esi believed that these factors included the diversification of the fund’s assets, the return on investment, potential oversupply of hostel accommodation, the social responsibility of providing student accommodation and the impact of any prolonged shutdown of the university.
Complexity academic level
Masters/advanced undergraduate.
Supplementary materials
Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject code
CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.
Case length
Case provider
- The CASE Journal
- The Case for Women
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
- Darden Business Publishing Cases
- Emerging Markets Case Studies
- Management School, Fudan University
- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- Kellogg School of Management
- The Case Writing Centre, University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business