In the broader context of information literacy (IL), library and information science literature recently has seen an increased interest among policymakers, teachers, media…
In the broader context of information literacy (IL), library and information science literature recently has seen an increased interest among policymakers, teachers, media specialists, and other professionals in defining and formulating basic skills and outcome measures of IL programs for students, teachers, and parents or care givers. In particular, within the context of the National Goals for Education 2000 and the evolving World Digital Library System, researchers have an opportunity and responsibility to invest in research and education in the area of IL so that every person may effectively access an increasingly complex information workspace. In this article, Ercegovac reports a case study in IL and its underpinning design. She defines and explicates information literacy skills for college students, which is the first step toward understanding the Information Literacy Infrastructure.
Since publication of an earlier hypertext/hyper‐media bibliography in Library Hi Tech Bibliography, two trends have experienced accelerated growth. The first is the explosion of…
Since publication of an earlier hypertext/hyper‐media bibliography in Library Hi Tech Bibliography, two trends have experienced accelerated growth. The first is the explosion of hypermedia and hypermedia tools in both quantity and quality. Movies, pictures, and sound are now commonly linked with hypertext in ever‐more complex presentations. This trend will continue as costs begin to decrease.
This paper reviews the history of separate online system interfaces, leading to efforts to develop expert systems for searching databases, particularly for end users, and…
This paper reviews the history of separate online system interfaces, leading to efforts to develop expert systems for searching databases, particularly for end users, and introduces the research in such expert systems. Appended is a bibliography of sources on interfaces and expert systems for online retrieval.