Zill-e- Huma, Saddam Hussain, Ramayah Thurasamy and Muhammad Imran Malik
Cyberloafing is the personal use of internet while at work. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting cyberloafing between public and private sector…
Cyberloafing is the personal use of internet while at work. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors affecting cyberloafing between public and private sector organizations.
This study uses the multiple motivational factors with the help of a theoretical paradigm, renowned as theory of interpersonal behavior (TIB). Data were collected through questionnaire to investigate the different behavioral factors between the public and private sector organizations. PLS path modeling and PLS-MGA are used to access the results on SMARTPLS 2.0 software.
Results show that the three factors of habit, intention, and social influences taken from the TIB model are important and have a higher path coefficient in a public sector organization setting. The factors of affect, facilitating condition and perceived consequences from TIB are greater in a private sector organization and have a higher path coefficient. By contrast, in multiple group analysis, results show that some factors are more predictive of cyberloafing behavior in a public sector organization, whereas other factors are more predictive for a private sector organization.
Practical implications
The findings of the current research are beneficial for both organizations and contribute toward policy-making decisions. These results help the managers of public and private sector organizations to decide how to control cyberloafing behavior by focusing on the important factors that lead to it.
This study shows strong and significant differences between the two types of organizations in terms of path coefficient. This implies that cyberloafing factors have different impacts on different organizations. The study fills an important gap in comparing public and private sector organizations with respect to cyberloafing behavior and clarifying which factors are more effective in predicting cyberloafing behavior according to type of organization. The paper is of great value for both kinds of organizations that face cyberloafing behavior issues.
Jelena Tepavčević, Melita Josipović and Vedran Milojica
Introduction: Considering the facts that hospitality employees belong to the category of low paid workers, tips are an important source of their incomes. It is very important to…
Introduction: Considering the facts that hospitality employees belong to the category of low paid workers, tips are an important source of their incomes. It is very important to determine the nature of the relationship between dependence on tips among hotel employees on their job satisfaction due to the possible influence on their turnover intentions. Aim: The aim of this chapter was to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction, the dependence on tips and turnover intentions among hotel employees. Method: Data were collected during spring 2020 in the hotels on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. A total of 213 employees from different departments were included in the research. Findings: Correlation analysis showed that there is a small negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Significant medium correlation is calculated between dependence on tips and turnover intentions. Significant negative correlation exists between job satisfaction and dependence on tips.
Veronique Y.F. Maas, Lyne M.G. Blanchette, Wencke van Amstel, Arie Franx, Marjolein Poels and Maria P.H. Koster
Exposure to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours before pregnancy affects the health of mothers and their (unborn) children. A social marketing strategy could empower prospective…
Exposure to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours before pregnancy affects the health of mothers and their (unborn) children. A social marketing strategy could empower prospective parents to actively prepare for pregnancy through preconception care (PCC). This study aims to describe the development of a PCC social marketing strategy based on the eight-point benchmark criteria for effective social marketing and to clarify the concept of using social marketing for health promotion purposes.
An extensive literature search was carried out regarding the needs of the target population and PCC behavioural goals, leading to the development of a bottom-up, ambassador-driven, communication concept.
In-depth insights of all benchmarks were analysed and incorporated during the development process of a new PCC social marketing strategy, with a special focus on the application of the “Health Belief Model” (Benchmark 3) and “the Four-P framework” (Benchmark 8). Evidence-based preconceptional health information is our product, for a low price as the information is freely attainable, promoting a message of overall women‘s health and online or through a consult with a health-care provider as the appropriate place. This formative research resulted in the development of the Woke Women® strategy, empowering women to actively prepare for pregnancy.
Developing a social marketing strategy to enhance actively preparing for pregnancy shows potential to encourage prospective parents to adopt healthier preconceptional lifestyle behaviours and can therefore improve the health of future generations.