Youssef El-Khatib and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
The current paper proposes a prediction model for a cryptocurrency that encompasses three properties observed in the markets for cryptocurrencies—namely high volatility…
The current paper proposes a prediction model for a cryptocurrency that encompasses three properties observed in the markets for cryptocurrencies—namely high volatility, illiquidity, and regime shifts. As far as the authors’ knowledge extends, this paper is the first attempt to introduce a stochastic differential equation (SDE) for pricing cryptocurrencies while explicitly integrating the mentioned three significant stylized facts.
Cryptocurrencies are increasingly utilized by investors and financial institutions worldwide as an alternative means of exchange. To the authors’ best knowledge, there is no SDE in the literature that can be used for representing and evaluating the data-generating process for the price of a cryptocurrency.
By using Ito calculus, the authors provide a solution for the suggested SDE along with mathematical proof. Numerical simulations are performed and compared to the real data, which seems to capture the dynamics of the price path of two main cryptocurrencies in the real markets.
The stochastic differential model that is introduced and solved in this article is expected to be useful for the pricing of cryptocurrencies in situations of high volatility combined with structural changes and illiquidity. These attributes are apparent in the real markets for cryptocurrencies; therefore, accounting explicitly for these underlying characteristics is a necessary condition for accurate evaluation of cryptocurrencies.
Youssef El-Khatib and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
Option pricing is an integral part of modern financial risk management. The well-known Black and Scholes (1973) formula is commonly used for this purpose. The purpose of this…
Option pricing is an integral part of modern financial risk management. The well-known Black and Scholes (1973) formula is commonly used for this purpose. The purpose of this paper is to extend their work to a situation in which the unconditional volatility of the original asset is increasing during a certain period of time.
The authors consider a market suffering from a financial crisis. The authors provide the solution for the equation of the underlying asset price as well as finding the hedging strategy. In addition, a closed formula of the pricing problem is proved for a particular case. Furthermore, the underlying price sensitivities are derived.
The suggested formulas are expected to make the valuation of options and the underlying hedging strategies during a financial crisis more precise. A numerical application is provided for determining the premium for a call and a put European option along with the underlying price sensitivities for each option.
An alternative option pricing model is introduced that performs better than existing ones, especially during a financial crisis.
Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Youssef El-Khatib
This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between the trade-weighted dollar exchange rates and the oil prices in the world market. Monthly data during 1980–2017 are used…
This paper investigates the dynamic relationship between the trade-weighted dollar exchange rates and the oil prices in the world market. Monthly data during 1980–2017 are used for this purpose.
The symmetric and asymmetric generalized impulse response functions are estimated for these important economic indicators.
The empirical findings show that if the dollar rate increases (i.e. the dollar depreciates), the oil price will increase. The reverse relationship is also supported empirically meaning that an increase in the oil price will results in a significant depreciation of the dollar rate. Based on the asymmetric impulses responses, it can also be claimed that the negative interaction is only significant for the positive changes and not for the negative ones. Thus, the underlying variables are negatively interrelated only for the positive shocks since a negative shock from any variable does not seem to have any significant impact on the other variable. These results have implications for cross hedging of price risk.
To the best knowledge, this is the first attempt to investigate the relationship between the dollar weighted exchange rate and the oil pieces via the asymmetric impulse response functions. Both of these variables and their interactions are very important for investors as well as policy makers worldwide.
Aya Khaled Youssef Sayed Mohamed, Dagmar Auer, Daniel Hofer and Josef Küng
Authorization and access control have been a topic of research for several decades. However, existing definitions are inconsistent and even contradicting each other. Furthermore…
Authorization and access control have been a topic of research for several decades. However, existing definitions are inconsistent and even contradicting each other. Furthermore, there are numerous access control models and even more have recently evolved to conform with the challenging requirements of resource protection. That makes it hard to classify the models and decide for an appropriate one satisfying security needs. Therefore, this study aims to guide through the plenty of access control models in the current state of the art besides this opaque accumulation of terms meaning and how they are related.
This study follows the systematic literature review approach to investigate current research regarding access control models and illustrate the findings of the conducted review. To provide a detailed understanding of the topic, this study identified the need for an additional study on the terms related to the domain of authorization and access control.
The authors’ research results in this paper are the distinction between authorization and access control with respect to definition, strategies, and models in addition to the classification schema. This study provides a comprehensive overview of existing models and an analysis according to the proposed five classes of access control models.
Based on the authors’ definitions of authorization and access control along with their related terms, i.e. authorization strategy, model and policy as well as access control model and mechanism, this study gives an overview of authorization strategies and propose a classification of access control models providing examples for each category. In contrast to other comparative studies, this study discusses more access control models, including the conventional state-of-the-art models and novel ones. This study also summarizes each of the literature works after selecting the relevant ones focusing on the database system domain or providing a survey, a classification or evaluation criteria of access control models. Additionally, the introduced categories of models are analyzed with respect to various criteria that are partly selected from the standard access control system evaluation metrics by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Princy Randhawa, Vijay Shanthagiri, Ajay Kumar and Vinod Yadav
The paper aims to develop a novel method for the classification of different physical activities of a human being, using fabric sensors. This method focuses mainly on classifying…
The paper aims to develop a novel method for the classification of different physical activities of a human being, using fabric sensors. This method focuses mainly on classifying the physical activity between normal action and violent attack on a victim and verifies its validity.
The system is realized as a protective jacket that can be worn by the subject. Stretch sensors, pressure sensors and a 9 degree of freedom accelerometer are strategically woven on the jacket. The jacket has an internal bus system made of conductive fabric that connects the sensors to the Flora chip, which acts as the data acquisition unit for the data generated. Different activities such as still, standing up, walking, twist-jump-turn, dancing and violent action are performed. The jacket in this study is worn by a healthy subject. The main phases which describe the activity recognition method undertaken in this study are the placement of sensors, pre-processing of data and deploying machine learning models for classification.
The effectiveness of the method was validated in a controlled environment. Certain challenges are also faced in building the experimental setup for the collection of data from the hardware. The most tedious challenge is to collect the data without noise and error, created by voltage fluctuations when stretched. The results show that the support vector machine classifier can classify different activities and is able to differentiate normal action and violent attacks with an accuracy of 98.8%, which is superior to other methods and algorithms.
Practical implications
This study leads to an understanding of human physical movement under violent activity. The results show that data compared with normal physical motion, which includes even a form of dance is quite different from the data collected during violent physical motion. This jacket construction with woven sensors can capture every dimension of the physical motion adding features to the data on which the machine learning model will be built.
Unlike other studies, where sensors are placed on isolated parts of the body, in this study, the fabric sensors are woven into the fabric itself to collect the data and to achieve maximum accuracy instead of using isolated wearable sensors. This method, together with a fabric pressure and stretch sensors, can provide key data and accurate feedback information when the victim is being attacked or is in a normal state of action.