Miguel Lloret-Climent, Andrés Montoyo, Yoan Gutierrez, Rafael Muñoz Guillena and Kristian Alonso
The purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables…
The purpose of this paper is to propose a mathematical model to determine invariant sets, set covering, orbits and, in particular, attractors in the set of tourism variables. Analysis was carried out based on an algorithm and applying an interpretation of chaos theory developed in the context of General Systems Theory and Big Data.
Tourism is one of the most digitalized sectors of the economy, and social networks are an important source of data for information gathering. However, the high levels of redundant information on the Web and the appearance of contradictory opinions and facts produce undesirable effects that must be cross-checked against real data. This paper sets out the causal relationships associated with tourist flows to enable the formulation of appropriate strategies.
The results can be applied to numerous cases, for example, in the analysis of tourist flows, these findings can be used to determine whether the behaviour of certain groups affects that of other groups, as well as analysing tourist behaviour in terms of the most relevant variables.
The technique presented here breaks with the usual treatment of the tourism topics. Unlike statistical analyses that merely provide information on current data, the authors use orbit analysis to forecast, if attractors are found, the behaviour of tourist variables in the immediate future.
Yoan Adi Wibowo Sutomo, Corinthias P.M. Sianipar, Mrittika Basu, Kenichiro Onitsuka and Satoshi Hoshino
Tourism encompasses multiple activities along with actors, locations and roles involved. Thus, tourism development and planning should consider value-added activities that form a…
Tourism encompasses multiple activities along with actors, locations and roles involved. Thus, tourism development and planning should consider value-added activities that form a tourism value chain (TVC). In the literature, the conceptual and practical understanding of TVC is significantly diverse, making it challenging to comprehend the entire framework. This study aims to synthesize a general TVC framework.
This review uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol to search for and select relevant literature in two databases (Scopus® and Web of Science™). Covering six aspects (logic, scope, value, perspective, type and scale), this study systematically analyzes the selected empirical studies to synthesize a functional framework of TVC as the basis to explore insights for effective TVC practices.
The results show that existing empirical studies have adopted four types of logic (supply logic, destination logic, global value chain and tourism global value chain), which complement each other in explaining the entire concept of TVC. Besides, the TVC concept is applicable on various scales and in different types of tourism with slight practical differences. Furthermore, values appear in various forms and offer benefits for suppliers and consumers as primary actors in TVC. Findings for the six aspects form tourism value webs as the functional framework of TVC.
This study offers a wide-ranging review of various empirically implemented TVC concepts for comprehensive TVC-based tourism development and planning. This review sets a theoretical foundation for future studies to improve the body of knowledge of TVC and tourism development and planning in general.
旅游活动横跨多重行动者、地点及不同角色, 因此旅游的发展及规划需考虑各项加值活动, 进而组织旅游价值链(tourism value-chain, TVC)。综观学界对价值链的定义发现, 不同文献在概念上及操作上的理解差异甚大, 本研究之目标即为整合出一套可供一般化的价值链框架。
本研究由系统性文献分析出发, 提出旅游价值链的实用框架, 并以此为基础, 针对有效的旅游价值链实践提供洞见。本文检索两大学术资料库(Scopus® 与Web of Science™)之文献, 并以PRISMA 架构汇整后, 从六大面向进行整合:逻辑、范围、价值、视角、类型及规模。
本研究发现过往研究采用了四种逻辑, 包含供给逻辑、目的地逻辑、全球价值链及旅游全球价值链。既有文献也证实, 旅游价值链的概念可以微调后应用在不同规模及类型的旅游研究。此外, 对于旅游价值链的主要行动者(也就是旅游服务的提供者和消费者)而言, 价值也会以不同类型呈现并为其带来利益。六个方面的调查结果形成了旅游价值网 (TVW) 作为 TVC 的概念框架
本研究广泛回顾了应用旅游价值链概念的研究文献, 并建立全面性的理解框架, 期能为后续旅游价值链、旅游发展及规划相关研究提供知识基础。
El turismo abarca múltiples actividades junto con los actores, los lugares y los roles involucrados. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo deben tener en cuenta las actividades de valor añadido que forman una cadena de valor turístico (TVC). En la literatura, la comprensión conceptual y práctica de la TVC es significativamente diversa, lo que dificulta la comprensión de todo el marco. Este estudio pretende sintetizar un marco general de TVC.
Esta revisión emplea el protocolo PRISMA para buscar y seleccionar la literatura relevante en dos bases de datos (Scopus® y Web of Science™). Abarcando seis aspectos (lógica, alcance, valor, perspectiva, tipo y escala), este estudio analiza sistemáticamente los estudios empíricos seleccionados para sintetizar un marco funcional de la TVC como base para explorar las ideas para las prácticas efectivas de TVC.
Los resultados muestran que los estudios empíricos existentes han adoptado cuatro tipos de lógica (lógica de la oferta, lógica del destino, cadena de valor global (CGV) y cadena de valor global del turismo (TGVC)), que se complementan entre sí para explicar el concepto completo de TVC. Además, el concepto de TVC es aplicable a varias escalas y en diferentes tipos de turismo con ligeras diferencias prácticas. Por otro lado, los valores aparecen de diversas formas y ofrecen beneficios para los proveedores y los consumidores como actores principales de la TVC. Los resultados de los seis aspectos conforman las redes de valor turístico (TVW) como marco funcional de la TVC.
Este estudio ofrece una amplia revisión de varios conceptos de TVC aplicados empíricamente para el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo basados en la TVC. Esta revisión establece una base teórica para que futuros estudios mejoren el conjunto de conocimientos sobre la TVC y el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo en general.