This paper aims to discuss the sequence-dependent forward setup time (FST) and backward setup time (BST) consideration for the first time in two-sided assembly lines…
This paper aims to discuss the sequence-dependent forward setup time (FST) and backward setup time (BST) consideration for the first time in two-sided assembly lines. Sequence-dependent FST and BST values must be considered to compute all of the operational times of each station. Thus, more realistic results can be obtained for real-life situations with this new two-sided assembly line balancing (ALB) problem with setups consideration. The goal is to obtain the most suitable solution with the least number of mated stations and total stations.
The complex structure it possesses has led to the use of certain assumptions in most of the studies in the ALB literature. In many of them, setup times have been neglected or considered superficially. In the real-life assembly process, potential setup configurations may exist between each successive task and between each successive cycle. When two tasks are in the same cycle, the setup time required (forward setup) may be different from the setup time required if the same two tasks are in consecutive cycles (backward setup).
Algorithm steps have been studied in detail on a sample solution. Using the proposed algorithm, the literature test problems are solved and the algorithm efficiency is revealed. The results of the experiments revealed that the proposed approach finds promising results.
The sequence-dependent FST and BST consideration is applied in a two-sided assembly line approach for the first time. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based algorithm with ten different heuristic rules was used in this proposed model.
Ebru Yazgan, Vildan Durmaz and Ayse Kucuk Yilmaz
This research has the potential to contribute to the understanding of the sustainable ground handling operations framework. Ramp operations as the main system of ground handling…
This research has the potential to contribute to the understanding of the sustainable ground handling operations framework. Ramp operations as the main system of ground handling include critical services for aircraft/airlines. The purpose of this study is to identify the risk factors in ramp operations for all related stakeholders’ awareness to enhance flight safety. Classifying risk factors, the four main performance fields under risk taxonomy is determined. Thus, managers may allocate resources effectively to handle related threats for corporate sustainability.
New taxonomy with human performance value indicators, which sources from the environment is developed. New developed taxonomy is entitled as “environmental value approach,” which represents environmental value-based approach. The developed new risk factors taxonomy is divided into groups such as ramp personnel, organizational, sustainability-based risk factors: triple view and ergonomics obtained from an extensive literature review and experts’ opinions in the field of human performance.
The findings of this research show that managers need a risk management-oriented approach to manage the human factor affecting performance and sustainability. The newly developed taxonomy offers not only identifying the sources of unsafe operational risk factors but also using as a decision-support tool to manage risks for achieving their sustainability goals. When managerial decisions are made according to risk taxonomy and managing these risks, then corporate performance and individual performance may improve.
The new taxonomy presents the performance-based management of the human factor with a holistic and systematic risk management-based approach. There is no risk taxonomy study designed considering ramp operations and sustainability-based human factor performance.
Emre Cevikcan and Mehmet Bulent Durmusoglu
Rabbit chase (RC) is used as one of the most effective techniques in manufacturing systems, as such systems have high level of adaptability and increased productivity in addition…
Rabbit chase (RC) is used as one of the most effective techniques in manufacturing systems, as such systems have high level of adaptability and increased productivity in addition to providing uniform workload balancing and skill improving environment. In assembly systems, RC inspires the development of walking worker assembly line (WWAL). On the other hand, U-type assembly lines (UALs) may provide higher worker utilization, lower space requirement and more convenient internal logistics when compared to straight assembly lines. In this context, this study aims to improve assembly line performance by generating RC cycles on WWAL with respect to task assignment characteristics of UAL within reasonable walking distance and space requirement. Therefore, a novel line configuration, namely, segmented rabbit chase-oriented U-type assembly line (SRCUAL), emerges.
The mathematical programming approach treats SRCUAL balancing problem in a hierarchical manner to decrease computational burden. Firstly, segments are generated via the first linear programming model in the solution approach for balancing SRCUALs to minimize total number of workers. Then, stations are determined within each segment for forward and backward sections separately using two different pre-emptive goal programming models. Moreover, three heuristics are developed to provide solution quality with computational efficiency.
The proposed mathematical programming approach is applied to the light-emitting diode (LED) luminaire assembly section of a manufacturing company. The adaptation of SRCUAL decreased the number of workers by 15.4% and the space requirement by 17.7% for LED luminaire assembly system when compared to UAL. Moreover, satisfactory results for the proposed heuristics were obtained in terms of deviation from lower bound, especially for SRCUAL heuristics I and II. Moreover, the results indicate that the integration of RC not only decreased the number of workers in 40.28% (29 instances) of test problems in U-lines, but also yielded less number of buffer points (48.48%) with lower workload deviation (75%) among workers in terms of coefficient of variation.
Practical implications
This study provides convenience for capacity management (assessing capacity and adjusting capacity by changing the number of workers) for industrial SRCUAL applications. Meanwhile, SRCUAL applications give the opportunity to increase the capacity for a product or transfer the saved capacity to the assembly of other products. As it is possible to provide one-piece flow with equal workloads via walking workers, SRCUAL has the potential for quick realization of defects and better lead time performance.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, forward–backward task assignments in U-type lines have not been adapted to WWALs. Moreover, as workers travel overall the line in WWALs, walking time increases drastically. Addressing this research gap and limitation, the main innovative aspect of this study can be considered as the proposal of a new line design (i.e. SRCUAL) which is sourced from the hybridization of UALs and WWAL as well as the segmentation of the line with RC cycles. The superiority of SRCUAL over WWAL and UAL was also discussed. Moreover, operating systematic for SRCUAL was devised. As for methodical aspect, this study is the first attempt to solve the balancing problem for SRCUAL design.
Nehal Elshaboury, Tarek Zayed and Eslam Mohammed Abdelkader
Water pipes degrade over time for a variety of pipe-related, soil-related, operational, and environmental factors. Hence, municipalities are necessitated to implement effective…
Water pipes degrade over time for a variety of pipe-related, soil-related, operational, and environmental factors. Hence, municipalities are necessitated to implement effective maintenance and rehabilitation strategies for water pipes based on reliable deterioration models and cost-effective inspection programs. In the light of foregoing, the paramount objective of this research study is to develop condition assessment and deterioration prediction models for saltwater pipes in Hong Kong.
As a perquisite to the development of condition assessment models, spherical fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (SFAHP) is harnessed to analyze the relative importance weights of deterioration factors. Afterward, the relative importance weights of deterioration factors coupled with their effective values are leveraged using the measurement of alternatives and ranking according to the compromise solution (MARCOS) algorithm to analyze the performance condition of water pipes. A condition rating system is then designed counting on the generalized entropy-based probabilistic fuzzy C means (GEPFCM) algorithm. A set of fourth order multiple regression functions are constructed to capture the degradation trends in condition of pipelines overtime covering their disparate characteristics.
Analytical results demonstrated that the top five influential deterioration factors comprise age, material, traffic, soil corrosivity and material. In addition, it was derived that developed deterioration models accomplished correlation coefficient, mean absolute error and root mean squared error of 0.8, 1.33 and 1.39, respectively.
It can be argued that generated deterioration models can assist municipalities in formulating accurate and cost-effective maintenance, repair and rehabilitation programs.