Yi-Chung Cheng, Hui-Chi Chuang and Chih-Chuan Chen
Among the research studies related to the relevance between religious belief and mental health, most of them highlight people with religious belief who tend to obtain mental…
Among the research studies related to the relevance between religious belief and mental health, most of them highlight people with religious belief who tend to obtain mental comforting more easily. However, the research studies mentioned above were cross-sectional studies, and they only verified that religious beliefs and mental health are relevant, but they did not prove their cause-and-effect relationship. That is, they do not identify “due to people's religious beliefs, they have healthier mind” or “due to people's healthier minds, they have religious beliefs.” Therefore, the study aims to explore the benefit evaluation of religious belief affecting mental health.
The study uses propensity score matching (PSM) and treatment effect (ATT) to carry out the causal inference between religious beliefs and mental health. First, the propensity score (PS) is calculated from the impact factors that affect people's religious belief before establishing counterfactual analysis based on the PS to analyze the effect of religious beliefs to further understand the difference of mental health index between people with religious belief and without it, and confirm the cause-and-effect relationship between them.
Religious beliefs and participation are ubiquitous within and across populations. The associates between religious participation and health are considerably in great magnitude. Most of the research in the past related to religious beliefs and mental health only verified that religious beliefs and mental health are relevant but not proved its cause-and-effect relationship. This paper aimed to explore the causal relationship between religious belief and mental health. The experimental results showed religious belief has treatment effect toward “daily functioning,” “feeling affect,” “spirituality” and “mental health.” On a whole, religious belief can promote mental health.
In academic and practical circles, there are a lot of research studies exploring the relationship between religious belief and mental health. However, there is no research investigating the cause-and-effect relationship between religious belief and mental health. It also causes some questioning toward the relevant research studies. Therefore, the outcome of this study not only can clarify the legitimacy, importance, and practicality on the researches in the past but also provide the practical support for psychology and counseling.
Mario Thomas Vassallo and Manwel Debono
This qualitative study seeks to explore the grounded realities of live-in care workers in Malta. The growing economic affluence in Malta, coupled by an ageing population and the…
This qualitative study seeks to explore the grounded realities of live-in care workers in Malta. The growing economic affluence in Malta, coupled by an ageing population and the lowest fertility rate in the European Union, is resulting in a greater demand for live-in care givers, particularly from the Philippines. Reinforced through public policy wherein families who employ a qualified live-in carer are benefiting from government subsidy to ease burden on the state’s residential homes, Malta appears to be moving from a passive to a more active international recruitment of domestic migrant workers. This inquiry provides an evidence-based contribution to the appeal of the European Economic and Social Committee of the EU calling for more research about the rights of live-in care workers in Europe which has long remained almost invisible to EU and Member State policymakers. The majority of the findings reflect some of the concerns that have already been identified in international literature, like higher levels of precariousness, contractual agreements not being honoured, psychological obligations, fraudulent agents and the lack of separation between work and personal life. Other findings have endogenous characteristics that are closely linked to the island state of Malta, namely its safe environment, Catholic culture, bilingual coexistence of Maltese and English and the competitive nature of Filipino community groups that may discourage further social engagement. The chapter concludes with brief policy suggestions to trigger improvements in the wellbeing and dignity of migrant carers.
Hang Jiang, Yi-Chung Hu, Jan-Yan Lin and Peng Jiang
With the development of economy, China’s OFDI constantly increase in recent year. Meanwhile, OFDI has spillover effect on economic development and technological development of…
With the development of economy, China’s OFDI constantly increase in recent year. Meanwhile, OFDI has spillover effect on economic development and technological development of home country. Thus, accurate OFDI prediction is a prerequisite for the effective development of international investment strategies. The purpose of this paper is to predict China’s OFDI accurately using a novel multivariable grey prediction model with Fourier series.
This paper applied a multivariable grey prediction model, GM(1,N), to forecast China’s OFDI. In order to improve the prediction accuracy and without changing local characteristics of grey model prediction, this paper proposed a novel grey prediction model to improve the performance of the traditional GM(1,N) model by combining with residual modification model using GM(1,1) model and Fourier series.
The coefficients indicate that the export and GDP have positive influence on China’s OFDI, and, according to the prediction result, China’s OFDI shows a growing trend in next five years.
This paper proposed an effective multivariable grey prediction model that combined the traditional GM(1,N) model with a residual modification model in order to predict China’s OFDI. Accurate forecasting of OFDI provides reference for the Chinese Government to implement international investment strategies.
Kuo-Cheng Ting, Ruei-Ping Wang, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang and Hsi-Min Chen
Using social networks to identify users with traits similar to those of the target user has proven highly effective in the development of personalized recommendation systems…
Using social networks to identify users with traits similar to those of the target user has proven highly effective in the development of personalized recommendation systems. Existing methods treat all dimensions of user data as a whole, despite the fact that most of the information related to different dimensions is discrete. This has prompted researchers to adopt the skyline query for such search functions. Unfortunately, researchers have run into problems of instability in the number of users identified using this approach.
We thus propose the m-representative skyline queries to provide control over the number of similar users that are returned. We also developed an R-tree-based algorithm to implement the m-representative skyline queries.
By using the R-tree based algorithm, the processing speed of the m-representative skyline queries can now be accelerated. Experiment results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
Note that with this new way of finding similar users in the social network, the performance of the personalized recommendation systems is expected to be enhanced.
Yi‐Ren Ding, Yi‐Chung Liu and Fei‐Bin Hsiao
The purpose of this paper is to present a small UAV system with autonomous formation flight capability, the Swallow UAV system, and the application of an extended Kalman filter…
The purpose of this paper is to present a small UAV system with autonomous formation flight capability, the Swallow UAV system, and the application of an extended Kalman filter (EKF) based augmentation method to reduce the impact of data link loss, which will fail the formation flight algorithm of the system.
The hardware of the Swallow UAV system is composed of two aircraft and a set of ground control station for leader‐wingman formation flight. A hardware‐in‐the‐loop simulation environment is build to support the system development. Fuzzy logic control method is applied to the guidance, navigation, and control system of leader and wingman aircraft. The leader system is designed with waypoint navigation and circle trajectory tracking functions to make the aircraft stay in visual range autonomously for safety. The wingman system is designed with formation flight functionality. However, the relative position and velocity are derived from the wireless data link transmitted leader navigation information. It is vulnerable to the data link loss. The EKF based leader motion estimator (LME) is developed to estimates the leader position when the data link broke, and corrects the estimation when the data link is available.
The designed LME is flight tested, and the results show that it woks properly with sound performance that the estimation error of relative position within 3 meters, relative velocity within 1.3 meters, and leader attitude within 1.6 degrees in standard deviation.
The research implements the autonomous formation flight capability with the EKF based LME on a small UAV system.
Yi-Chung Hu and Geng Wu
Given that the use of Google Trends data is helpful to improve forecasting performance, this study aims to investigate whether the precision of forecast combination can benefit…
Given that the use of Google Trends data is helpful to improve forecasting performance, this study aims to investigate whether the precision of forecast combination can benefit from the use of Google Trends Web search index along with the encompassing set.
Grey prediction models generate single-model forecasts, while Google Trends index serves as an explanatory variable for multivariate models. Then, three combination sets, including sets of univariate models (CUGM), all constituents (CAGM) and constituents that survive the forecast encompassing tests (CSET), are generated. Finally, commonly used combination methods combine the individual forecasts for each combination set.
The tourism volumes of four frequently searched-for cities in Taiwan are used to evaluate the accuracy of three combination sets. The encompassing tests show that multivariate grey models play a role to be reckoned with in forecast combinations. Furthermore, the empirical results indicate the usefulness of Google Trends index and encompassing tests for linear combination methods because linear combination methods coupled with CSET outperformed that coupled with CAGM and CUGM.
Practical implications
With Google Trends Web search index, the tourism sector may benefit from the use of linear combinations of constituents that survive encompassing tests to formulate business strategies for tourist destinations. A good forecasting practice by estimating ex ante forecasts post-COVID-19 can be further provided by scenario forecasting.
To improve the accuracy of combination forecasting, this research verifies the correlation between Google Trends index and combined forecasts in tourism along with encompassing tests.
Google 搜尋趨勢指標與涵蓋性檢定對於旅遊需求組合預測的影響
過去的研究顯示 Google 搜尋趨勢資料有助於改善旅遊需求預測的準確度,本研究就此進一步探討 Google 搜尋趨勢網頁搜尋指標與涵蓋性檢定的使用對於組合預測準確度所造成的影響。
本研究以 Google 搜尋趨勢指標做為多變量灰色預測模式的解釋變數,並以單變量與多變量灰色模式產生各別預測值。在分別產生由所有的單變量模式 (CUGM)所有的模式 (CAGM), 以及經過涵蓋性檢定所留存下來之模式 (CSET) 所組成之集合後,就各別的組合集以常用的組合方法產生預測值。
以台灣的四個熱搜旅遊城市的旅遊人數進行三個組合集的預測準確度分析。涵蓋性檢定顯示多變量灰色模式在組合預測中扮演重要的角色,而結果亦呈現線性組合方法在 CSET優於在 CUGM 與 CAGM 的準確度,突顯搜尋趨勢指標與涵蓋性檢定對於線性組合方法的有用性。
藉由 Google 搜尋趨勢網頁搜尋指標與涵蓋性檢定,旅遊部門應可透過線性組合方法的預測規劃旅遊目的地的經營策略。新冠疫情下於各季的事前預測亦可結合情境預測具體呈現。
為提升組合預測在旅遊需求的預測準確度,本研究結合涵蓋性檢定以分析 Google 搜尋趨勢指標與組合預測準確度之間的關聯性。
旅遊需求,涵蓋性檢定,Google 搜尋趨勢,灰色預測,組合預測
El impacto de Google Trends en la previsión de viajes combinados y su evidencia relacionada
Dado que el uso de los datos de Google Trends es útil para mejorar la precisión de las predicciones, este estudio examina si el uso del índice de búsqueda web de Google Trends combinado con la agregación de relevancia puede mejorar la precisión del predictor.
El modelo predictivo gris genera predicciones bajo un único modelo, mientras que el modelomultivariado utiliza el indicador Google Trends como variable explicativa. Se generaron tresensamblajes generales, incluido el Modelo armónico único (CUGM), los ensamblajes de todos loscomponentes (CAGM) y la prueba de presencia de componentes con predicción (CSET). Laspredicciones individuales encada grupo luego se combinan utilizando métodos de correlación deuso común.
Utilizando el número de turistas en las cuatro ciudades más investigadas de Taiwán, los tresgrupos combinados se clasificaron según su precisión. Las pruebas incluidas muestran que losmodelos multivariados en escala de grises son importantes para la predicción. Además, losresultados de las pruebas muestran que el índice de Google Trends y las pruebas que incluyenmétodos de suma lineal son útiles porque los métodos combinados con CSET funcionan majorque los métodos combinados con CSET. CAGM y VCUG.
Implicaciones practices
La industria de viajes puede usar el índice de búsqueda web de Google Trends para desarrollarestrategias comerciales para atracciones basadas en un conjunto lineal de componentes.
Con el objetivo de mejorar la precisión de los pronósticos agregados, este estudio investiga larelación entre el índice de tendencias de Google y las expectativas generales de viaje junto con laevidencia global.
Palabras clave
Demanda de viajes, Experiencia global, Tendencias de Google, Predicción gris
Tipo de papel
Trabajo de investigación
Jiaying Chen, Cheng Li, Liyao Huang and Weimin Zheng
Incorporating dynamic spatial effects exhibits considerable potential in improving the accuracy of forecasting tourism demands. This study aims to propose an innovative deep…
Incorporating dynamic spatial effects exhibits considerable potential in improving the accuracy of forecasting tourism demands. This study aims to propose an innovative deep learning model for capturing dynamic spatial effects.
A novel deep learning model founded on the transformer architecture, called the spatiotemporal transformer network, is presented. This model has three components: the temporal transformer, spatial transformer and spatiotemporal fusion modules. The dynamic temporal dependencies of each attraction are extracted efficiently by the temporal transformer module. The dynamic spatial correlations between attractions are extracted efficiently by the spatial transformer module. The extracted dynamic temporal and spatial features are fused in a learnable manner in the spatiotemporal fusion module. Convolutional operations are implemented to generate the final forecasts.
The results indicate that the proposed model performs better in forecasting accuracy than some popular benchmark models, demonstrating its significant forecasting performance. Incorporating dynamic spatiotemporal features is an effective strategy for improving forecasting. It can provide an important reference to related studies.
Practical implications
The proposed model leverages high-frequency data to achieve accurate predictions at the micro level by incorporating dynamic spatial effects. Destination managers should fully consider the dynamic spatial effects of attractions when planning and marketing to promote tourism resources.
This study incorporates dynamic spatial effects into tourism demand forecasting models by using a transformer neural network. It advances the development of methodologies in related fields.
本研究提出了一种基于变压器架构的新型深度学习模型, 称为时空变压器网络。该模型由三个部分组成:时空转换器、空间转换器和时空融合模块。时空转换器模块可有效提取每个景点的动态时间依赖关系。空间转换器模块可有效提取景点之间的动态空间相关性。提取的动态时间和空间特征在时空融合模块中以可学习的方式进行融合。通过卷积运算生成最终预测结果。
结果表明, 与一些流行的基准模型相比, 所提出的模型在预测准确性方面表现更好, 证明了其显著的预测性能。纳入动态时空特征是改进预测的有效策略。它可为相关研究提供重要参考。
所提出的模型利用高频数据, 通过纳入动态空间效应, 在微观层面上实现了准确预测。旅游目的地管理者在规划和营销推广旅游资源时, 应充分考虑景点的动态空间效应。
本研究通过使用变压器神经网络, 将动态空间效应纳入旅游需求预测模型。它推动了相关领域方法论的发展。
La incorporación de efectos espaciales dinámicos ofrece un considerable potencial para mejorar la precisión de la previsión de la demanda turística. Este estudio propone un modelo innovador de aprendizaje profundo para capturar los efectos espaciales dinámicos.
Se presenta un novedoso modelo de aprendizaje profundo basado en la arquitectura transformadora, denominado red de transformador espaciotemporal. Este modelo tiene tres componentes: el transformador temporal, el transformador espacial y los módulos de fusión espaciotemporal. El módulo transformador temporal extrae de manera eficiente las dependencias temporales dinámicas de cada atracción. El módulo transformador espacial extrae eficientemente las correlaciones espaciales dinámicas entre las atracciones. Las características dinámicas temporales y espaciales extraídas se fusionan de manera que se puede aprender en el módulo de fusión espaciotemporal. Se aplican operaciones convolucionales para generar las previsiones finales.
Los resultados indican que el modelo propuesto obtiene mejores resultados en la precisión de las previsiones que algunos modelos de referencia conocidos, lo que demuestra su importante capacidad de previsión. La incorporación de características espaciotemporales dinámicas supone una estrategia eficaz para mejorar las previsiones. Esto puede proporcionar una referencia importante para estudios afines.
Implicaciones prácticas
El modelo propuesto aprovecha los datos de alta frecuencia para lograr predicciones precisas a nivel micro incorporando efectos espaciales dinámicos. Los gestores de destinos deberían tener plenamente en cuenta los efectos espaciales dinámicos de las atracciones en la planificación y marketing para la promoción de los recursos turísticos.
Este estudio incorpora efectos espaciales dinámicos a los modelos de previsión de la demanda turística mediante el empleo de una red neuronal transformadora. Supone un avance en el desarrollo de metodologías en campos afines.
Tourism demand forecasting is vital for the airline industry and tourism sector. Combination forecasting has the advantage of fusing several forecasts to reduce the risk of…
Tourism demand forecasting is vital for the airline industry and tourism sector. Combination forecasting has the advantage of fusing several forecasts to reduce the risk of inappropriate model selection for analyzing decisions. This paper investigated the effects of a time-varying weighting strategy on the performance of linear and nonlinear forecast combinations in the context of tourism.
This study used grey prediction models, which did not require that the available data satisfy statistical assumptions, to generate forecasts. A quality-control technique was applied to determine when to change the combination weights to generate combined forecasts by using linear and nonlinear methods.
The empirical results showed that except for when the Choquet fuzzy integral was used, forecast combination with time-varying weights did not significantly outperform that with fixed weights. The Choquet integral with time-varying weights significantly outperformed that with fixed weights for all model combinations, and had a superior forecasting accuracy to those of other combination methods.
Practical implications
The tourism sector can benefit from the use of the Choquet integral with time-varying weights, by using it to formulate suitable strategies for tourist destinations.
Combining forecasts with time-varying weights may improve the accuracy of the predictions. This study investigated incorporating a time-varying weighting strategy into combination forecasting by using CUSUM. The results verified the effectiveness of the time-varying Choquet integral for tourism forecast combination.
Chung-Yi Chiu, Jessica Brooks and Ruopeng An
The purpose of this paper is to inquiry dietary behavior and the physical and mental health status of food pantry users to better understand issues related to food insecurity and…
The purpose of this paper is to inquiry dietary behavior and the physical and mental health status of food pantry users to better understand issues related to food insecurity and to explore predictors of intentions for self-sufficiency.
The authors randomly surveyed 12 food pantries (151 consumers) sponsored by the North Texas Food Bank in USA, regarding dietary behavior, health status, reasons for food pantry use, satisfaction with services provided, and self-sufficient behavior and support.
About 37 percent of survey participants would expect to continue using food pantry services for one or more years. Reasons for food pantry use included low job earnings, unemployment, poor health, and disability. Over 83 percent of them were either overweight or obese, and over half (57 percent) of them had moderate or severe mental disorder symptoms that warrant examination by healthcare practitioners. On average, their health-related quality of life was lower than the general population. Participants’ physical health was significantly correlated with work intention. The hierarchical regression model predicting work intention had a large effect size.
Research limitations/implications
This research has highlighted the importance of improving food pantry consumers’ health and self-sufficiency in order to live sufficiently and healthily.
Practical implications
Community health practitioners need to help food banks address the needs beyond hunger to focus on the larger ramification of food insecurity such as self-sufficiency and health-related quality of life.
This work extends the existing studies focused on food insecurity, and it will enable the collaborations among food banks, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors, and public health practitioners.