Pandimani, Markandeya Raju Ponnada and Yesuratnam Geddada
This paper aims to present nonlinear numerical simulations using the versatile finite element (FE) analysis tool ANSYS and theoretical analysis based on code provisions to assess…
This paper aims to present nonlinear numerical simulations using the versatile finite element (FE) analysis tool ANSYS and theoretical analysis based on code provisions to assess the load-carrying capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) beams under two-point monotonic static loadings.
Four quarter-size FE models with load and geometry symmetry conditions were constructed, the load-bearing capacity and associated mid-span deflections at critical points are verified against the full-scale experimental RC beams available in the literature. These developed FE models incorporated the tension stiffening effects and bond–slip behaviour. Theoretical analyses based on Indian standard code IS: 456–2000 and ACI 318–19 were also carried to verify the experimental and numerical predicted moments at critical loading points.
The load-deflection curves predicted through FE models exhibit closer corroboration with the experimental curves throughout the loading history. The contour plots for deflections, concrete principal stresses, reinforcement yield stresses are satisfactorily predicted by the FE models, which reveal the complete information of nonlinear behaviour of RC beams. The developed model well captured the initial and progressive crack patterns at each load increments.
Practical implications
The FE modelling is an efficient, valid and economical tool that is an alternative to the expensive experimental program and can be used to explore, analyse and fully understand the nonlinear response of RC beams under static loadings.
The ultimate moment capacity evaluated based on ACI 318–19 code provision show a better correlation with the experimental data as compared to the IS: 456–2000 code provision. The ultimate loads and associated centre-span deflections predicted by RN-2, RN-3, RB-12 and RB-16 FE model show a discrepancy of 1.66 and –0.49%, –4.68 and –0.60%, –9.38 and –14.53% and –4.37 and 4.21%, respectively, against the experimental results, which reveals that the developed ANSYS FE models predict consistent results and achieved a reasonable agreement with the experimental data.
Pandimani, Markandeya Raju Ponnada and Yesuratnam Geddada
This study aims to present comprehensive nonlinear material modelling techniques and simulations of reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to short-term monotonic static load…
This study aims to present comprehensive nonlinear material modelling techniques and simulations of reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to short-term monotonic static load using the robust and reliable general-purpose finite element (FE) software ANSYS. A parametric study is carried out to analyse the flexural and ductility behaviour of RC beams under various influencing parameters.
To develop and validate the numerical FE models, a total of four experimentally tested simply supported RC beams are taken from the available literature and two beams are selected from each author. The concrete, steel reinforcements, bond-slip mechanism, loading and supporting plates are modelled using SOLID65, LINK180, COMBIN39 and SOLID185 elements, respectively. The validated models are then used to conduct parametric FE analysis to investigate the effect of concrete compressive strength, percentage of tensile reinforcement, compression reinforcement ratio, transverse shear reinforcement, bond-slip mechanism, concrete compressive stress-strain constitutive models, beam symmetry and varying overall depth of beam on the ultimate load-carrying capacity and ductility behaviour of RC beams.
The developed three-dimensional FE models can able to capture the load and midspan deflections at critical points, the accurate yield point of steel reinforcements, the formation of initial and progressive concrete crack patterns and the complete load-deflection curves of RC beams up to ultimate failure. From the numerical results, it can be concluded that the FE model considering the bond-slip effect with Thorenfeldt’s concrete compressive stress-strain model exhibits a better correlation with the experimental data.
The ultimate load and deflection results of validated FE models show a maximum deviation of less than 10% and 15%, respectively, as compared to the experimental results. The developed model is also capable of capturing concrete failure modes accurately. Overall, the FE analysis results were found quite acceptable and compared well with the experimental data at all loading stages. It is suggested that the proposed FE model is a practical and reliable tool for analyzing the flexural behaviour of RC members and can be used for performing parametric studies.
Pandimani, Markandeya Raju Ponnada and Yesuratnam Geddada
The partially prestressed concrete beam with unbonded tendon is still an active field of research because of the difficulty in analyzing and understanding its behavior. The…
The partially prestressed concrete beam with unbonded tendon is still an active field of research because of the difficulty in analyzing and understanding its behavior. The finite-element (FE) simulation of such beams using numerical software is very scarce in the literature and therefore this study is taken to demonstrate the modeling aspects of unbonded partially prestressed concrete (UPPSC) beams. This study aims to present the three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear FE simulations of UPPSC beams subjected to monotonic static loadings using the numerical analysis package ANSYS.
The sensitivity study is carried out with three different mesh densities to obtain the optimum elements that reflect on the load–deflection behavior of numerical models, and the model with optimum element density is used further to model all the UPPSC beams in this study. Three half-symmetry FE model is constructed in ANSYS parametric design language domain with proper boundary conditions at the symmetry plane and support to achieve the same response as that of the full-scale experimental beam available in the literature. The linear and nonlinear material behavior of prestressing tendon and conventional steel reinforcements, concrete and anchorage and loading plates are modeled using link180, solid65 and solid185 elements, respectively. The Newton–Raphson iteration method is used to solve the nonlinear solution of the FE models.
The evolution of concrete cracking at critical loadings, yielding of nonprestressed steel reinforcements, stress increment in the prestressing tendon, stresses in concrete elements and the complete load–deflection behavior of the UPPSC beams are well predicted by the proposed FE model. The maximum discrepancy of ultimate moments and deflections of the validated FE models exhibit 13% and −5%, respectively, in comparison with the experimental results.
Practical implications
The FE analysis of UPPSC beams is done using ANSYS software, which is a versatile tool in contrast to the experimental testing to study the stress increments in the unbonded tendons and assess the complete nonlinear response of partially prestressed concrete beams. The validated numerical model and the techniques presented in this study can be readily used to explore the parametric analysis of UPPSC beams.
The developed model is capable of predicting the strength and nonlinear behavior of UPPSC beams with reasonable accuracy. The load–deflection plot captured by the FE model is corroborated with the experimental data existing in the literature and the FE results exhibit good agreement against the experimentally tested beams, which expresses the practicability of using FE analysis for the nonlinear response of UPPSC beams using ANSYS software.