Guanghui Qiao, Yating Cao and Junmiao Zhang
The physiological and psychological issues that limit people with vision impairment make it difficult for them to participate in tourism activities and enjoy the various benefits…
The physiological and psychological issues that limit people with vision impairment make it difficult for them to participate in tourism activities and enjoy the various benefits of tourism. This study aims to construct a theoretical model of the tourism-influencing factors that can lead to problems for people with vision impairment to meet their travel desires and improve their enjoyment of life.
This study adopted a mixed-methods approach. A theoretical model of the tourism-influencing factors for people with vision impairment was constructed based on grounded theoretical analysis of interviews and was then tested in a quantitative survey.
In the first stage, a new theoretical model of the tourism-influencing factors for people with vision impairment was conducted. In the second stage, five research hypotheses arising from the theoretical model were tested in a quantitative survey. The results show that internal psychological perception, perceived behavioural control and perceived social intention have a significant positive impact on the tourism intention behaviour of people with vision impairment. However, subjective norms do not significantly influence the tourism behaviour intention of people with vision impairment.
The right to tourism should be available to disabled as well as to able-bodied people. Few tourism research studies have focused on people with vision impairment, and the influencing factors on the behaviour of people with vision impairment have not received due attention. This study extends the theoretical model of the theory of planned behaviour and provides a new perspective for understanding the travel behaviour intention of people with vision impairment.
视障者受生理和心理问题的限制, 较难参与旅游活动并享受旅游带来的各种好处。本研究旨在构建出视障者旅游行为影响因素理论模型, 以满足视障群体的旅游需求, 并提高他们的生活幸福感。
本研究采用混合研究方法。以访谈为基础进行扎根理论分析, 构建出视障者旅游行为影响因素的理论模型, 并通过定量研究验证模型。
第一阶段, 构建了视障者旅游行为影响因素的新理论模型。第二阶段, 根据构建出的理论模型提出五个研究假设, 并通过定量研究进行验证。研究结果显示内在心理感知、知觉行为控制和社会支持感知对视障者旅游行为意向存在显著正向影响, 而主观规范对视障者旅游行为意向的影响不显著。
视障者同健全者拥有平等的旅游权利。但旅游研究中针对视障群体的研究很少, 对视障者旅游行为影响因素的研究更未得到应有的重视。本研究拓展了计划行为理论模型, 为理解视障者旅游行为意向提供了新的视角。
La limitación de los problemas físicos y psicológicos de las personas con discapacidad visual, dificulta su participación en actividades turísticas y el disfrute de los beneficios del turismo. El objetivo de este estudio es construir un modelo teórico de los factores que influyen en el turismo y que puedan causar problemas a las personas con discapacidad visual para satisfacer sus deseos turísticos y mejorar su disfrute de la vida.
En este estudio se utilizó un método mixto. Sobre la base del análisis de la teoría de la raíz de la entrevista, se construye el modelo teórico de los factores que influyen en el turismo de las personas con discapacidad visual.
En la primera etapa, se establece un nuevo modelo teórico sobre los factores que influyen en el turismo de las personas con discapacidad visual. En la segunda etapa, se investigan cuantitativamente las cinco hipótesis de investigación presentadas por el modelo teórico. Los resultados mostraron que la percepción psicológica interna, el control del comportamiento percibido y la intención social percibida tenían un efecto positivo significativo en el comportamiento de la intención turística de los pacientes con discapacidad visual. Sin embargo, las normas subjetivas no tienen un efecto significativo en la intención de comportamiento turístico de las personas con discapacidad visual.
Las personas con discapacidad y las personas sanas tienen derecho al turismo. Pocas investigaciones turísticas se centran en las personas con discapacidad visual, y no se presta la debida atención a los factores que influyen en el comportamiento de las personas con discapacidad visual. Este estudio amplió el modelo teórico de la teoría del comportamiento planificado y proporcionó una nueva perspectiva para entender la intención de comportamiento de viaje de las personas con discapacidad visual.
Katharina Cepa and Henri Schildt
Advanced information technologies, and particularly big data, provide new affordances to facilitate inter-organizational collaboration. Rich flows of real-time data provide…
Advanced information technologies, and particularly big data, provide new affordances to facilitate inter-organizational collaboration. Rich flows of real-time data provide transparency across organizational boundaries and enable greater automation of inter-organizational routines. Taking stock of the literature and building on observations from the research in an industrial setting, the authors introduce the concept of technological embeddedness as an important characteristic of inter-organizational relationships, denoting the degree of monitoring, control, and optimization of intra- and inter-organizational tasks accomplished through technology at the interface of the inter-organizational relationship. The authors theorize how increasing technological embeddedness created by big data technologies affects the development of inter-organizational trust, mutual adaptation, and temporal structuring of collaboration. The propositions elaborate how greater technological embeddedness enables collaboration, and warn about the potential limiting effects of technological embeddedness on the development of interpersonal trust, strategic learning, and long-term orientation.
Arianna Trozze, Toby Davies and Bennett Kleinberg
Cryptocurrencies have been used to commit various offences, but enforcement efforts remain underdeveloped relative to the value of these crimes. This paper aims to examine factors…
Cryptocurrencies have been used to commit various offences, but enforcement efforts remain underdeveloped relative to the value of these crimes. This paper aims to examine factors associated with outcomes of US-based cryptocurrency financial crime prosecutions.
The authors studied the 37 resolved cryptocurrency-based financial crime cases in the USA to date, exploring the impact of offence, defendant and evidence characteristics on the mode of disposition and penalties. The authors used bivariate analyses and logistic regression models to determine relationships among these variables.
The presence of individual defendants only (rather than a corporate defendant or combination thereof) and the use of only a cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin in committing a crime each made a case less likely to be resolved by dismissal, trial or summary or default judgement.
This paper is the first to examine variables contributing to financial crime prosecution outcomes and has implications for prosecutorial decision-making, resource allocation and the prevention and detection of financial offences involving cryptocurrencies.
Alan Reinstein, Stephen R. Moehrle and Jennifer Reynolds‐Moehrle
To develop theoretical frameworks to discuss high profile scandals, where responsible accountants and other executives could have saved themselves, many investors and others…
To develop theoretical frameworks to discuss high profile scandals, where responsible accountants and other executives could have saved themselves, many investors and others severe personal and financial loss by considering the costs of improper or immoral behavior. These cases emphasize the importance of ethics driving accountants' decisions.
The paper discusses these ethical lapses in light of applying Kohlberg's models, biblical examples from the Old and New Testaments and the Koran, and other ethical systems.
The paper shows that this concept is not new. Throughout history, people have taken actions that cost them their freedom, their money and most importantly, their good names. Upon reflection, many of these people are astounded at the seriousness of their action given what little they had to gain from continued involvement. In reinforcing lessons that should be learned from cases of business malfeasance and highlighting many well‐known accounting and other scandals, we develop recurrent themes in the nature of business scandals and show that many people are responsible for or complicit in the malfeasance. These individuals could have prevented the fraud or minimized any adverse impact if they had considered their behavior ex ante. We show that the employees portrayed demonstrated very low‐levels of ethical development and seemed to underestimate the probability of getting caught and the resulting punishment. We also elicit many reasons from several viewpoints for not becoming involved in fraud.
Research limitations/implications
It is hoped that the next generation of business leaders and middle level staff alike will consider the results/messages of this paper when faced with ethical dilemmas.
Practical implications
The paper concludes that the best internal control in a business structure remains the hiring and training of morally upstanding employees and managers who recognize the values of their good names before temptations arise. Incentive plans can encourage ethical behavior.
Practitioners must consider fully the potential consequences of their actions no matter how small the perceived probability of a bad outcome.
Yating Li, Ting Chen, Xinxin Zhang and Jiahang Yuan
Eco-innovation products, which means achieving more efficient and responsible use of resources and reducing the detrimental impact on the environment, can win a competitive…
Eco-innovation products, which means achieving more efficient and responsible use of resources and reducing the detrimental impact on the environment, can win a competitive advantage for the enterprises. But it is not easy to implement due to the high cost of eco-innovative technologies development, the uncertainty of market needs and return risk of investment. Many enterprises seek collaborations from their upstream suppliers to jointly carry out eco-innovation, such as Apple, IBM and Nike. A unique feature of collaboration is that efforts by one party enhance the marginal value of the other party's efforts. However, the collaboration will make the partner know the eco-innovation technology and prompt the partner to encroach the market to sell competitive products by herself. Motivated by this observation, this paper considers the optimal collaboration strategy on eco-innovation between upstream and downstream supply chain member and the optimal encroachment strategy of upstream supplier in a supply chain.
This paper models a supply chain wherein a supplier provides products or materials for her manufacturer and cooperates with her manufacturer in eco-innovation. Also, the supplier could encroach on the market to sell similar products by herself. Then this paper uses game theory and mathematical modeling to do relative analysis.
The analysis reveals several interesting insights. First, eco-innovation collaboration makes supplier encroachment no longer only rely on the encroachment cost. The delayed realized eco-innovation efficiency information also plays a vital role. Second, different from previous research, the authors find the manufacturer's preference for supplier encroachment depends on the uncertainty of eco-innovation efficiency and potential market demand. Third, both partial and full encroachment strategies of the supplier can effectively improve the eco-innovation level.
The paper is the first to take the interplay between collaboration and encroachment into account in a supply chain. The results caution enterprises and policymakers to take vertical collaboration and delayed realized information into account in the competitive supply chain before making any operational decisions. Furthermore, the authors propose that governmental intervention aimed at stimulating supplier encroachment in appropriate circumstances can contribute to the improved environmental performance of products.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how knowledge is currently being collected, distributed, managed and the perspective of knowledge management's (KM) strategic…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how knowledge is currently being collected, distributed, managed and the perspective of knowledge management's (KM) strategic significance to performance within a broad range of Hong Kong organizations.
A questionnaire was administered to a broad cross‐section of Hong Kong business organizations to elicit input regarding current KM practices within the organization, their perspective on its value to organizational performance and competitive advantages.
The results indicate a fuzziness exists concerning KM's potential benefits. Majority of respondents felt a KM policy existed, while a smaller number did not and even less did not know. Findings show a high dependence on personal networks and a high use of information technology tools such as intranet, Groupware, and other decision support tools. Barriers to sharing included power loss, appearing dependent, a basic unwillingness to share with national culture possibly playing a role. Incentives did not appear to encourage sharing with management of KM programs not focused on a particular department or individual. Respondents were evenly divided over strategic benefits but felt the existence of an internal culture that promoted sharing could result in competitive market advantages.
Practical implications
First, it provides a better understanding of KM issues within Hong Kong organizations, the current status of KM's implementation and readiness to accept and adopt best KM practices. Second, the findings also offer business practitioners a better understanding of the internal mechanisms necessary to leverage a firm's specific resources. Finally, the results shed additional clarity on the fuzziness surrounding KM's correlation to being strategically significant to the firm.
Unlike previous studies, the paper uses a holistic approach as opposed to best practices firms. The findings contribute to previous research and provide insights into current practices which identified differences and gaps; recognized areas of improvement; and should help stimulate use of KM and provided an understanding of internal mechanisms necessary to leverage internal resources.
Qiuchang Cao, Li Liao and Keith Leverett Warren
To analyze networks of social interactions between the residents of a therapeutic community (TC) for women and the way, in which such interactions predict the discussion of issues…
To analyze networks of social interactions between the residents of a therapeutic community (TC) for women and the way, in which such interactions predict the discussion of issues that arise in treatment.
In total, 50 residents of a corrections-based TC for women were surveyed on the peers with whom they socialized informally, shared meals, shared letters from home and discussed issues that arose in treatment over a 12 h period. The data were analyzed using exponential random graph models (ERGM).
Reciprocity occurred in all networks while transitivity (a tendency of two residents who are connected to both connect to a third peer) occurred in all networks measuring informal social interactions. When controlling for reciprocity and transitivity, residents avoided spending social time or sharing meals with the same peers. There was no evidence of homophily by race, age or years of education. Homophily by entrance time and case manager occurred in social time. Case manager homophily occurred in the discussion of treatment issues but disappeared when controlling for social time and sharing letters from home.
Research limitations/implications
Social networks in this TC arise from factors endogenous to the TC itself. It should be possible to determine the characteristics of optimal social networks in TCs. External validity is limited.
Practical implications
It should be possible to intervene to optimize the social networks of TC residents.
This is the first ERGM analysis of both informal and formal interactions in a TC.
Ying Kei Tse, Rupert L. Matthews, Kim Hua Tan, Yuji Sato and Chaipong Pongpanich
A growing need for global sourcing of business has subjected firms to higher levels of uncertainty and increased risk of supply disruption. Differences in industry and…
A growing need for global sourcing of business has subjected firms to higher levels of uncertainty and increased risk of supply disruption. Differences in industry and infrastructure make it more difficult for firms to manage supply disruption risks effectively. The purpose of this paper is to extend developing research in this area by addressing gaps within existing literature related to environmental turbulence and uncertainties.
The authors test the model using data collected from 253 senior managers and directors in the Thai beverage industry using advanced statistical techniques to explore the relationship between representations of supply disruption risk and uncertainty.
The results show that both magnitude and probability of risk impact on the disruption risk, but the probability of loss is a dominant determinant. The authors also find that demand uncertainty and quality uncertainty affect the risk perception of purchasing managers, and are related to the magnitude of disruption risk, rather than the frequency of occurrence. Interestingly, the results show that quality uncertainty negatively impacts on the severity of disruption risk.
Research limitations/implications
The construct validity of demand uncertainty was under the required threshold, intimating the need for further construct development.
Practical implications
The framework provides managers with direction on how to formulate and target their disruption risk management strategies. The work also allows practitioners to critical reflect on implicit risk management strategies they may already employ and their effectiveness.
The paper identifies key antecedents of supply disruption risk and tests them within a novel industrial context of the beverage industry and a novel national context of Thailand.
Donald H. Kluemper, Arjun Mitra and Siting Wang
Over the past decade, the rapid evolution of social media has impacted the field of human resource management in numerous ways. In response, scholars and practitioners have sought…
Over the past decade, the rapid evolution of social media has impacted the field of human resource management in numerous ways. In response, scholars and practitioners have sought to begin an investigation of the myriad of ways that social media impacts organizations. To date, research evidence on a range of HR-related topics are just beginning to emerge, but are scattered across a range of diverse literatures. The principal aim of this chapter is to review the current literature on the study of social media in HRM and to integrate these disparate emerging literatures. During our review, we discuss the existent research, describe the theoretical foundations of such work, and summarize key research findings and themes into a coherent social media framework relevant to HRM. Finally, we offer recommendations for future work that can enhance knowledge of social media’s impact in organizations.