Yasir Rashid, Anisha Tanveer, Zeeshan Shaukat and Imran Sadiq
This paper aims to highlight four features of value co-creation among actors in a business-to-business environment. Service-dominant (S-D) logic of marketing is used as a…
This paper aims to highlight four features of value co-creation among actors in a business-to-business environment. Service-dominant (S-D) logic of marketing is used as a theoretical lens to view at the process of value co-creation.
Using an interpretive methodological approach, the authors collected empirical material from a single case based in New Zealand. The case was based on the collaboration, interaction and relationship between vendor and client during an information and communication technology (ICT) systems integration project. The unit of analysis was “points of value creation.” Empirical material came from observation, in-depth interviews and documents such as meeting notes and email logs. Interpretation highlighted four features of the value co-creation process: motivators, outcomes, disadvantages and management. Moreover, personal and network aspects of value co-creation process emerged.
The findings of this study capture benefits, as well as conflicts and frustrations, in a value co-creation process. Furthermore, it provides future research motivations for researchers currently working to develop S-D logic of marketing.
It is suggested that there is relatively little direction on how value co-creation process should be undertaken in different contexts such as retail, education, health care and ICT. There is a need to understand the dynamics and specification of value co-creation process, as the literature is scarce in this field.
Yasir Rashid Lone, Ubaid Ullah Shah, Suhail Ahmad Bhat, Rabiya Mushtaq and Sumeer Gul
The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the Publication Timeline, i.e. Submission to First Decision and Submission to Acceptance on Journal Metrics, i.e. Impact…
The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of the Publication Timeline, i.e. Submission to First Decision and Submission to Acceptance on Journal Metrics, i.e. Impact Factor (IF) and 5-year IF.
Data related to the IF and 5-year IF were retrieved from Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Report 2020. The Publication Timeline of each journal was ascertained through their respective websites. To attain the model fit summary, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed. Regression analysis was also performed on the models using SPSS 21 software to ascertain the nature and degree of impact the Publication Timeline (Submission to First Decision and Submission to Acceptance) has on Journal Metrics (IF and 5-year IF).
Submission to First Decision has a significant inverse relationship with both the IF and 5-year IF, whereas Submission to Acceptance has a significant direct relation with 5-year IF and an inverse but insignificant relationship with IF.
Research limitations/implications
Journals published by Springer Nature and of multidisciplinary nature have been considered for the study. Only those journals were selected that provided the information regarding the Publication Timeline, whereas those which did not provide the same, were excluded. However, new insights can be revealed if the journals published by different publishers and belonging to one particular discipline are studied.
Practical implications
The study helps to ascertain the impact of the Publication Timeline on the Impact Metrics of the journals. It can help the authors select the journals as their publishing venues considering the Publication Timeline. Publishers can also be benefitted from the findings of this study since improvisations and modifications in their Publication Timelines can positively influence the impact metrics of their respective journals.
The study attempts to measure the impact of the Publication Timeline on Journal Metrics using cross-sectional secondary data, by performing regression analysis. Though various studies have examined the influence of the Publication Timeline on the IF using correlation analysis, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first of its kind to use regression analysis to check the relation, as well as the degree of impact the Publication Timeline, has on Journal Metrics.
Yasir Rashid, Ansar Waseem, Ahmad Ahsan Akbar and Fatima Azam
The purpose of this paper is to deliver a summary of the influential work regarding value co-creation in the context of social media. Although, research on the role of social…
The purpose of this paper is to deliver a summary of the influential work regarding value co-creation in the context of social media. Although, research on the role of social media in co-creation and new product development is growing field; the extant literature is still in developing stage, which needs systematization and categorization to comprehend its current stage and previous research.
For this purpose, existing literature on social media and co-creation was studied. Initially, a citation analysis was conducted of influential papers correlated with the topic to identify three streams of research. Later, thematic analysis was carried out to explore specific themes within these categories.
Through citation analysis three research streams namely customer’s co-creation on new product development, firm specific capabilities for knowledge sharing, absorption and processing and new opportunities were identified. Later, total four categories were identified through thematic analysis which contains different sub-themes such as test of theories, proposed theoretical frameworks, lead users characteristics, customer’s motivation and experience regarding co-creation, online communities of customers and open innovation.
Research limitations/implications
This study also categorizes and systemizes the extant literature exploring role of social media in value co-creation. Such systematic review of the extant literature will help the academicians to understand the previous stream of work and pursue a particular line of enquiry in furthering the understanding of interaction between social media and co-innovation.
Practical implications
This work is particularly useful for practitioners as more firms are moving the business online. These firms are actively using social media and user-generated content to gain insight into customer’s preferences. By increasing the participation of customers and lead users through online communities, firms can also increase customer’s commitment.
The paper adds to the extant literature by identifying research streams and themes in the extant literature on the role of social media in value co-creation. Later, these themes are abductively linked to develop a theoretical framework.
Kashif Rashid, Yasir Bin Tariq and Mamoon Ur Rehman
This study examines the role of behavioural factors, such as confidence, optimism, pessimism and rational expectation, in affecting investment decisions in the Pakistani stock…
This study examines the role of behavioural factors, such as confidence, optimism, pessimism and rational expectation, in affecting investment decisions in the Pakistani stock market.
Using daily trading data of Karachi Stock Exchange-100 index from January 2012 to December 2015, different regression models, including descriptive statistics and stationarity tests, are performed.
Results indicate that stock market trading has suffered from pessimistic behaviour of investors. In the first model, the authors find a positive sign of confidence and negative sign of optimism with the trading volume. The second model shows a positive role of confidence and rational expectations in affecting the trading volume in daily, Monday and Friday samples. The results of the third model show a negative sign of both optimism and rational expectation with the trading volume. Furthermore, the next model shows a negative sign of confidence combined with pessimism while testing their relationship with the trading volume. Finally, results of the final model suggest that optimism negatively affects the trading volume, and on the other hand, pessimism has a positive impact on the trading volume.
Research limitations/implications
The method and empirical testing of behavioural biases and their relationship with economic variable used in this study seem to be a promising way to better understand the role of psychology in deriving financial decisions for academics and policymakers.
This study uses secondary data for measuring behavioural biases and decomposes the effect between rational expectation and behavioural biases.
Muhammad Tahir, Arshad Hayat, Kashif Rashid, Muhammad Asim Afridi and Yasir Bin Tariq
The new growth literature in general is very optimistic about the positive impact that human capital has on the economic growth of countries. Based on this argument, the current…
The new growth literature in general is very optimistic about the positive impact that human capital has on the economic growth of countries. Based on this argument, the current paper focusses to investigate the impact of different types of human capital on economic growth.
The paper utilizes data for the period 1998 to 2017 and employs suitable econometric techniques.
It is found that it is not the stock of human capital rather its utilization in terms of average working hours that matters for higher growth. Other than human capital, trade openness and investment are positively associated with growth. On the other hand, inflation has an insignificant impact while employment level has a negative impact on growth. Moreover, for developing countries, the study also revealed that stock of human capital has negatively and average working hours has positively impacted economic growth. Finally, domestic investment and employment level appeared to be the main growth determinants in developing countries.
Research limitations/implications
Policymakers are suggested to ensure the maximum utilization of working hours, trade openness and domestic investment in improving economic growth in OECD countries.
This study has visualized the impact of human capital on economic growth from a new perspective and hence would be useful for policymakers.
Waqas Mehmood, Rasidah Mohd-Rashid, Chui Zi Ong and Yasir Abdullah Abbas
The objectives of this study are twofold. First, it intends to investigate the symmetric link between initial public offering (IPO) variability and the determinants of the stock…
The objectives of this study are twofold. First, it intends to investigate the symmetric link between initial public offering (IPO) variability and the determinants of the stock market index, treasury bill rate, inflation, GDP growth rate and foreign direct investment. Second, this study intends to examine the asymmetric link between IPO variability and the aforementioned determinants, namely the stock market index, treasury bill rate, inflation, GDP growth rate and foreign direct investment.
Data from 1992 to 2018 were gathered from the country of Pakistan in order to achieve the above objectives. Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) and Phillips Perron (PP) unit root tests were employed to determine the data's stationarity properties. The Auto Regressive Distributive Lags (ARDL) model was utilized to examine the symmetric links, and the Non-Linear Auto Regressive Distributive Lag Model (NARDL) was employed to determine the asymmetric links. While the long-run co-integration was examined using the ARDL bound test, the short-run dynamics were tested using the error correction method (ECM).
The macroeconomic variables of the stock market index, treasury bill rate, inflation, GDP growth rate and foreign direct investment are found to pose significant short-run and long-run symmetric and asymmetric effects on IPO variability. These results indicate the significance of the aforementioned variables in enhancing IPO variability. The findings also demonstrate the typical reactions of inflation, GDP and FDI towards negative and positive shocks in IPO variability and inflation. This evidence implies that Pakistan's poor capital market development is reflected in the country's weak macroeconomic factors. At the same time, the reduced IPO variability in the country also reflects the lack of confidence among prospective issuers and investors due to Pakistan's weak macroeconomic indicators.
This is the first study of its kind to properly investigate the symmetric and asymmetric effects of the macroeconomic variables on Pakistan's IPO variability.
This paper aims to investigate the impact of the revised Code of Corporate Governance 2017 (CCG-2017) clauses pertaining to board independence, mandatory inclusion of female…
This paper aims to investigate the impact of the revised Code of Corporate Governance 2017 (CCG-2017) clauses pertaining to board independence, mandatory inclusion of female directors, audit committee (AC) chair independence and directors’ expertise on earnings manipulation.
Using an unbalanced panel of 323 listed companies from 2015 to 2019, this study uses panel data regression models with a robust methodology called difference-in-differences to tackle the potential endogeneity.
This study’s findings show that, as compared to the pre-CCG-2017 period, board- and AC-related variables increased significantly in the post-CCG-2017 period. Furthermore, financial experts on the board and board independence have a negative effect on discretionary accruals (DAs), whereas female directors and DAs are positively related, as is real activity manipulation. The AC-related variables, such as AC independence, expertise in AC, and AC chair independence, are significantly different from the preperiod to the postperiod, whereas their relationship is not according to the hypotheses of the study. Moreover, these results are robust to additional analysis of the alternative proxies for female directorship and the endogeneity problem.
Practical implications
The findings of this study have implications for regulators and practitioners who are concerned with the functions of the board of directors (BOD). The findings of this research study show that earnings management (EM) may be reduced by independent and expert directors. However, board gender diversity is not reducing the EM. Therefore, the decision to appoint female directors to the board should be based on their business and professional attributes rather than simply filling quotas or blindly adhering to regulations. Moreover, the findings of this research may assist the regulator in encouraging listed firms to enhance board governance via independence, diversity and competency, which are useful for effective monitoring.
This study fills a gap in the literature by providing the first evidence of country-specific regulation (CCG-2017), concerning the BOD and AC-related clauses on EM in Pakistan, which is missing in the relevant literature general and in Pakistan in particular.
Fitra Lestari, Rahmad Kurniawan, Johar Arifin, Muhammad Yasir, Mawardi Muhammad Saleh and Akbarizan
Nowadays, the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in Indonesia with the product’s need for halal certification is limited. The purpose of this paper is to measure the integrated…
Nowadays, the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) in Indonesia with the product’s need for halal certification is limited. The purpose of this paper is to measure the integrated framework of Halal Good Manufacturing Practices (HGMP) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to discover the effect of its performance in the food sector.
This research conducted focus group discussion in 2 locations with 8 experts and 73 SMEs in the food sector at 2 Indonesian Government agencies.
The study indicated 6 variables and 40 indicators on HGMP and its implementation in each agency. Two agencies in this research were categorized as poor, which indicated the need to increase the implementation of HGMP. For the SMEs’ business process policy, there were significantly different variables in the building, employee, storage and maintenance.
Research limitations/implications
The implementation of the HGMP is examined in this research based on government regulation. It has not been thoroughly tested based on consumer responses. Furthermore, it can consider consumer satisfaction in the halal framework of GMP.
Practical implications
Government agencies in Indonesia can measure the implementation of HGMP in food sector SMEs and guide SMEs to achieve halal quality standards.
This research provides an integrated framework for measuring HGMP in SMEs guided by the Indonesian Government’s agency in meeting the standard of halal products.
Bahram Jalili, Milad Sadinezhad Fard, Yasir Khan, Payam Jalili and D.D. Ganji
The current analysis produces the fractional sample of non-Newtonian Casson and Williamson boundary layer flow considering the heat flux and the slip velocity. An extended sheet…
The current analysis produces the fractional sample of non-Newtonian Casson and Williamson boundary layer flow considering the heat flux and the slip velocity. An extended sheet with a nonuniform thickness causes the steady boundary layer flow’s temperature and velocity fields. Our purpose in this research is to use Akbari Ganji method (AGM) to solve equations and compare the accuracy of this method with the spectral collocation method.
The trial polynomials that will be utilized to carry out the AGM are then used to solve the nonlinear governing system of the PDEs, which has been transformed into a nonlinear collection of linked ODEs.
The profile of temperature and dimensionless velocity for different parameters were displayed graphically. Also, the effect of two different parameters simultaneously on the temperature is displayed in three dimensions. The results demonstrate that the skin-friction coefficient rises with growing magnetic numbers, whereas the Casson and the local Williamson parameters show reverse manners.
Moreover, the usefulness and precision of the presented approach are pleasing, as can be seen by comparing the results with previous research. Also, the calculated solutions utilizing the provided procedure were physically sufficient and precise.