Yash Chadha, O.C. Tanner’s UK managing director, explains how Sara Lee Foods’ BRAVO! performance recognition program encourages a culture of exceptional performance and…
Yash Chadha, O.C. Tanner’s UK managing director, explains how Sara Lee Foods’ BRAVO! performance recognition program encourages a culture of exceptional performance and appreciation.
The chapter explores how gender has been an integral part of the nation building project in post-liberalisation Hindi cinema, popularly, known as Bollywood.
The chapter explores how gender has been an integral part of the nation building project in post-liberalisation Hindi cinema, popularly, known as Bollywood.
This chapter is based on primary data gathered through interviews with prominent members of the Hindi film industry along with a detailed content analysis of commercially successful post-liberalisation mainstream Hindi films.
It highlights how the representation of gender has been a central axis around which the tension between tradition and modernity has been played out in Hindi Cinema. The construction of Indianness post-liberalisation has questioned gender politics but proposed easy resolutions which fit into the larger nationalist narrative. In doing so, it has used the diaspora as a category to produce a nationalist account which is simultaneously essentialised and transnational in the quest for projecting India’s aspirations on the global platform.
The chapter provides important insights into the role of popular Hindi cinema, often brushed off as frivolous, in contributing to the mainstream discourse on nationalism post-liberalisation.
Pawan Kumar Gupta and Jagdish Arora
The purpose of this paper is to report on a national seminar held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on 29‐30 January 2009.
The purpose of this paper is to report on a national seminar held at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, on 29‐30 January 2009.
This is a descriptive report.
The national seminar focused on open access of textual and multimedia content looking at collaboration between two inter‐university centres of the University Grants Commission (UGC), INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network) Center in Ahmedabad and the Center for Educational Communication (CEC) in New Delhi.
It will be of interest to the library and information professionals especially to the media professionals across the country. It may also be helpful to the professionals of the Asian countries at some extend. A detailed version of this report published in the seminar website and it may also appear in the forthcoming INFLIBNET newsletter for the INFLIBNET members.