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Publication date: 23 July 2018

Wenbin Li, Weilin Xu and Xin Wang

Clothing is subject to a dynamic thermal transport process in its routine service in which the apparel and human body together with environment interact with each other…



Clothing is subject to a dynamic thermal transport process in its routine service in which the apparel and human body together with environment interact with each other. Understanding of the thermal transfer in this case should take the variations of human body and environment together with clothing attributes into consideration. The paper aims to discuss these issues.


Based on the purpose-built dynamic thermal and moisture tester, this study focuses on the thermal transfer of fabrics in different rotational motions. The energy consumption and power of the simulated human skin, the temperature and the thermal retention rate were monitored in the process of rotation of the testing platform with gradually increased rotating speed.


It has been found that the thermal transfer of a rotating fabric is greatly affected by the rotating speed, the angle of the fabric toward the moving direction and the attributes of the fabric such as its thickness, layers, structure and its fiber composition.

Practical implications

This study will benefit the understanding of the dynamic thermal interaction of human with the environment, and the designing of clothing with excellent thermal comfort.


This work reveals the dynamic thermal transfer of fabrics in rotational motions. It provides a platform to study the dynamic thermal behavior of clothing in daily use.


International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, vol. 30 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0955-6222


Publication date: 6 February 2024

Lin Zhang, Jinyu Wang, Xin Wang and Yingju Gao

Based on the perspective of knowledge management, this study aims to discuss how to build cross-city emergency management collaboration mechanism in major emergencies and explore…



Based on the perspective of knowledge management, this study aims to discuss how to build cross-city emergency management collaboration mechanism in major emergencies and explore the important role of knowledge management in emergency management collaboration.


Based on the theoretical analysis of knowledge management and the typical case study of cross-city emergency management collaborative rescue, this study provides an in-depth analysis of how these cities achieve high emergency management performance through multidimensional and multilevel knowledge collaboration, thus revealing the mechanism of knowledge transfer, integration and sharing in achieving high emergency management performance.


Through analyzing typical cases, this study finds that building a smooth mechanism for multichannel emergency rescue information can promote the diversification of knowledge transfer methods, building a platform-based integration mechanism for emergency rescue information can enhance knowledge integration capabilities and building a linkage mechanism for emergency rescue materials between cities can promote knowledge-sharing level, thereby improving emergency management performance level.

Research limitations/implications

This study has great significance for how to build cross-city emergency management collaboration mechanism in the digital era. In the future, the authors need to further discuss the following two aspects in depth: research on the impact of cross-city emergency management collaboration mechanism on improving the knowledge management capabilities of government emergency management departments; and research on the impact mechanism of knowledge management capabilities on city resilience.


Through case analysis of cross-city emergency management collaborative rescue for major emergencies in China in recent years, this study proposes three specific strategies for cross-city emergency management (smooth, integration and linkage mechanisms) and reveals that these three strategies are essentially aimed at improving the government’s knowledge management level.


Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1367-3270


Publication date: 17 October 2022

Xin Wang, Ivan Ka Wai Lai and Kun Wang

This study aims to examine the influence of benefits and risks for young women travellers on their intention to visit other night tourism destinations. It also compares any path…



This study aims to examine the influence of benefits and risks for young women travellers on their intention to visit other night tourism destinations. It also compares any path differences between evening and midnight travels.


A face-to-face survey was conducted in Macau. Multi-group analysis was used to explore the differences between evening and midnight travels.


Emotional and epistemic benefits positively affect behavioural intentions; security risk negatively affects behavioural intentions, but the risk of sexual harassment does not affect behavioural intentions. Evening travellers pay more attention to emotional benefits than midnight travellers.


This study contributes to tourism research related to women by helping to understand the perceptions of the benefits and risks of young women travellers’ night tourism, especially the gender risks. This study corrects the understanding that young women travellers do not feel that the risk of sexual harassment affects their decision to undertake night travels. It also contributes to night tourism research by distinguishing the proportion of benefits and risks in evening and midnight travels.


本研究旨在考察年轻女性旅游者在夜间旅游中的利益和风险感知对其访问其他夜间旅游目的地意向的影响, 比较女性游客上半夜出游和下半夜出游之间的感知差异。


线下问卷调查在澳门进行, 使用多组分析方法探讨女性上半夜出游与下半夜出游的感知差异。


情感和认知的益处对行为意向产生积极影响。虽然安全风险对行为意向会产生负面影响, 但性骚扰风险并不影响行为意向。上半夜旅游者比下半夜旅游者更关注旅行对情感的益处。


本研究让读者了解到年轻女性旅游者对夜间旅游的利益和风险感知因素的看法, 尤其是对性别风险感知的看法, 对女性相关的旅游研究做出了贡献。这项研究改变了以往的认知, 即年轻女性旅游者不觉得性骚扰的风险会影响她们进行夜间旅行的决定。它还通过区分上半夜出游和下半夜出游的利益和风险比较, 为夜间旅游研究做出了贡献。


Este estudio pretende examinar la influencia de los beneficios y riesgos que tiene, para las jóvenes viajeras, su intención de visitar otros destinos de turismo nocturno. Asimismo, se compara las diferencias de trayectoria entre los viajes nocturnos y los de medianoche.


Se realizó una encuesta personal en Macao. Se utilizó un análisis multigrupo para explorar las diferencias entre los viajes nocturnos y los de medianoche.


Los beneficios emocionales y epistémicos afectan positivamente las intenciones de comportamiento, el riesgo de seguridad afecta negativamente las intenciones de comportamiento, pero el riesgo de acoso sexual no influye en las intenciones de comportamiento. Los viajeros nocturnos prestan más atención a los beneficios emocionales que en los viajes a medianoche.


Este estudio contribuye a la investigación sobre el turismo relacionado con las mujeres al ayudarnos a comprender las percepciones de los beneficios y riesgos del turismo nocturno de las jóvenes viajeras, especialmente los riesgos de género. Este estudio corrige nuestra idea de que las jóvenes viajeras no creen que el riesgo de acoso sexual afecte a su decisión de emprender viajes nocturnos. También contribuye a la investigación del turismo nocturno al distinguir la proporción de beneficios y riesgos en los viajes nocturnos y de medianoche.

Publication date: 6 July 2021

Yuanyuan Guo, Xin Wang and Chaoyou Wang

This study examines how the different dimensions of a privacy policy separately influence perceived effectiveness of privacy policy, as well as the mediating mechanisms behind…




This study examines how the different dimensions of a privacy policy separately influence perceived effectiveness of privacy policy, as well as the mediating mechanisms behind these effects (i.e. vulnerability, benevolence). In addition, this study considers privacy concern as a significant moderator in the research model, to examine if the relative influences of privacy policy content are contingent upon levels of users' privacy concern.


The survey experiment was conducted to empirically validate the model. Specifically, three survey experiments and six scenarios were designed to manipulate high and low levels of the three privacy policy dimensions (i.e. transparency, control and protection). The authors totally distributed 450 copies of the questionnaire, of which 407 were valid.


This paper found that (1) all the three privacy policy dimensions directly influence perceived effectiveness of privacy policy; (2) all the three privacy policy dimensions indirectly influence perceived effectiveness of privacy policy by enhancing perceived corporate benevolence, whereas control also affects perceived effectiveness of privacy policy by reducing perceived vulnerability; and (3) individuals with high-privacy concern are much more impacted by privacy policy contents than individuals with low-privacy concern.

Practical implications

The findings could provide website managers with guidelines on how to design privacy policy contents by reducing user perceptions of vulnerability and enhancing user perceptions of corporate benevolence. The managers need to focus on customers' perceived vulnerability and corporate benevolence when launching or updating privacy policies. Furthermore, the managers also need to attend to users' privacy concerns, especially for multinational companies or companies with specific consumer groups.


This study extends the current privacy policy literature by articulating the separate influences of the three privacy policy dimensions and their impact mechanisms on perceived effectiveness of privacy policy. It also uncovers privacy concerns as a boundary condition that influence the effects of privacy policy contents on users' privacy perceptions.


Journal of Enterprise Information Management, vol. 35 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0398


Content available
Publication date: 14 October 2021

Xin Wang



Journal of Money Laundering Control, vol. 24 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1368-5201

Publication date: 17 June 2021

Zeguo Yang, Mantian Li, Fusheng Zha, Xin Wang, Pengfei Wang and Wei Guo

This paper aims to introduce an imitation learning framework for a wheeled mobile manipulator based on dynamical movement primitives (DMPs). A novel mobile manipulator with the…



This paper aims to introduce an imitation learning framework for a wheeled mobile manipulator based on dynamical movement primitives (DMPs). A novel mobile manipulator with the capability to learn from demonstration is introduced. Then, this study explains the whole process for a wheeled mobile manipulator to learn a demonstrated task and generalize to new situations. Two visual tracking controllers are designed for recording human demonstrations and monitoring robot operations. The study clarifies how human demonstrations can be learned and generalized to new situations by a wheel mobile manipulator.


The kinematic model of a mobile manipulator is analyzed. An RGB-D camera is applied to record the demonstration trajectories and observe robot operations. To avoid human demonstration behaviors going out of sight of the camera, a visual tracking controller is designed based on the kinematic model of the mobile manipulator. The demonstration trajectories are then represented by DMPs and learned by the mobile manipulator with corresponding models. Another tracking controller is designed based on the kinematic model of the mobile manipulator to monitor and modify the robot operations.


To verify the effectiveness of the imitation learning framework, several daily tasks are demonstrated and learned by the mobile manipulator. The results indicate that the presented approach shows good performance for a wheeled mobile manipulator to learn tasks through human demonstrations. The only thing a robot-user needs to do is to provide demonstrations, which highly facilitates the application of mobile manipulators.


The research fulfills the need for a wheeled mobile manipulator to learn tasks via demonstrations instead of manual planning. Similar approaches can be applied to mobile manipulators with different architecture.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. 48 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Publication date: 8 July 2019

Wenbin Li, Yunjing Jiang, Peiqing Jiang and Xin Wang

The mass transfer of textiles during movement is complicated as the energy consumption (EC) from skin, surface temperature of fabrics together with environment will work…



The mass transfer of textiles during movement is complicated as the energy consumption (EC) from skin, surface temperature of fabrics together with environment will work synergistically to determine the sensation and comfort of wearer. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the mass transfer in the human-textile-environment dynamic system.


With a simulated hotplate mounted on a rotational testing platform, this paper focuses on the dynamic mass transfer of a fabric so as to simulate the real-time mass transfer of clothing in movements.


It has been found that the EC and surface temperature (T) change against testing time, indicating the convex and concave shapes of the EC–t and Tt curves. The initial moisture regain of the fabric, rotational speed of the platform and the fiber materials of the fabric have shown a great effect on the dynamic mass transfer process.

Practical implications

Understanding the dynamic mass transfer of textiles will benefit the design of clothing with better comfort and will contribute to the well-being of wearers.


This work reveals the dynamic mass transfer of textiles in rotational movements. It contributes a new approach to studying the mass transfer of clothing in real service.


International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, vol. 31 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0955-6222


Publication date: 31 July 2023

Chong Xu, Pengbo Wang, Fan Yang, Shaohua Wang, Junping Cao and Xin Wang

This paper aims at building a discharge model for the power cable bellows based on plasma energy deposition and analyzing the discharge ablation problem.



This paper aims at building a discharge model for the power cable bellows based on plasma energy deposition and analyzing the discharge ablation problem.


Aiming at the multiphysical mechanism of the discharge ablation process, a multiphysical field model based on plasma energy deposition is established to analyze the discharge characteristics of the power cable bellows. The electrostatic field, plasma characteristics, energy deposition and temperature field are analyzed. The discharge experiment is also carried out for result validation.


The physical mechanism of the bellows ablative effect caused by partial discharge is studied. The results show that the electric field intensity between the aluminum sheath and the buffer layer easily exceeds the pressure resistance value of air breakdown. On the plasma surface of the buffer layer, the electron density is about 4 × 1,019/m3, and the average temperature of electrons is about 3.5 eV. The energy deposition analysis using the Monte Carlo method shows that the electron range in the plasma is very short. The release will complete within 10 nm, and it only takes 0.1 s to increase the maximum temperature of the buffer layer to more than 1,000 K, thus causing various thermal effects.


Its physical process involves the distortion of electric field, formation of plasma, energy deposition of electrons, and abrupt change of temperature field.


COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering , vol. 42 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0332-1649


Publication date: 2 November 2021

Jun Wang, Song Yao, Xin Wang, Pengwen Hou and Qian Zhang

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the optimal operational strategies in a green platform supply chain and provide suggestions on the selection of sales and financing…




The purpose of this paper is to investigate the optimal operational strategies in a green platform supply chain and provide suggestions on the selection of sales and financing modes for the capital-constrained manufacturer.


This study combines different sales channels with financing modes and investigates three sales-financing modes, i.e. traditional sales-prepayment financing (TSPF), traditional sales-bank financing (TSBF) and online sales e-retailer financing (OSEF). By establishing and comparing Stackelberg game models of these sales-financing modes from the perspectives of economy, environment and social welfare, the optimal strategies of emission reduction, financing, pricing and service improvement are obtained.


The results suggest that as the commission rate increases to a certain level, a threshold of the cost coefficient of emission reduction can be found such that the manufacturer should choose OSEF below this threshold and TSBF above this threshold. OSEF is Pareto optimal when this cost coefficient is low, and this mode can lead to the highest social welfare when the platform loan interest rate is relatively low. The Pareto areas in TSBF and OSEF enlarge as the default coefficient decreases.

Practical implications

These results can provide operational insights on how to select sales channels and financing modes when manufacturer faces financial constraints in emission reduction.


This paper combines different sales and financing modes to study their comprehensive influence on the decision-makings of chain members and the resulting performance of economy, environment and social welfare.


Kybernetes, vol. 52 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Publication date: 5 June 2019

Wei Guo, Shiyin Qiu, Fusheng Zha, Jing Deng, Xin Wang and Fei Chen

This paper aims to propose a novel balance-assistive control strategy for hip exoskeleton robot.



This paper aims to propose a novel balance-assistive control strategy for hip exoskeleton robot.


A hierarchical balance assistive controller based on the virtual stiffness model of extrapolated center of mass (XCoM) is proposed and tested by exoskeleton balance assistive control experiments.


Experiment results show that the proposed controller can accelerate the swing foot chasing XCoM and enlarge the margin of stability.


As a proof of concept, this paper shows the potential for exoskeleton to actively assist human regain balance in sagittal plane when human suffers from a forward or backward disturbing force.


Assembly Automation, vol. 40 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0144-5154


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